It begins

Foothills of Fang

The time was drawing near to launch the three sided attack on the Odsier. During this waiting time, bands of clansmen ranged south and east into the plains, skirmishing with the smaller tribes, plundering fishing villages, and sacking those that failed to immediately throw down their weapons.

Some Aghul warbands struck inland, scouring the hills in search of battle and plunder. Near the river Taydut, they surprised a tribe of several hundred Pale Horns and put them to rout with half as many clansmen in a few hours of carnage and blood. Women and young children captured were bound with ropes and sent back to Fang and Aquilo, where they were sold or shared as spoils of war.

Lightning raids on horseback would harry encampments. They would make sudden drives to peel away livestock and slaughter unsuspecting guards, flaming arrows sent into tents and wagons to cause panic among women and children, they would stalk the tribes at night in unceasing terror and carnage.

Surviving Bonecasters everywhere tried to share their dreams across vast distances in warning. The mountain men were on the warpath making raids as they had not done so in ages. Bold and confident against the spears, arrows and horses of the Tribes. But very few paid attention especially among the larger tribes.

Raids by the Odonine were common. No one could imagine that the clans had gathered around one banner and had allied themselves with the men from the Stone city.

And all the while the Odonine rode the blood of butchery, they would not pause to think before taking their enemies down and all the spoils that came with war. Horses, meat, women, slaves. The Odonine were to become demons in the oral traditions of the Odsier. They carried fire in their eyes and frost in their blood. And soon they would sweep across the Plains Tribes like a tidal wave of slaughter...

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