Characters in this post

View character profile for: Amelia Maria Stark aka Ami, formerly Emily Wake

View character profile for: Tony Stark

View character profile for: Nick Fury

View character profile for: Pepper Potts

View character profile for: Evelyn Barnes
Litha saw Tony fly the opposite direction that she was going. She was already on her bike and in the cover of the trees as she drove "mission completed, filed intact" she said not slowly down.
However, the sound of her handler giving her coordinates sounded like it was muffled. The memories kept pouring in. She could get out... no, that thought couldn't take root. But she could...
She made her way towards the safe house, the coordinates where a few miles away. Once there she found herself at a house in the middle of the city. It never surprised her how many places hydra had. But as she walked in something immediately felt off to her. She put her hand on her knife on her waist and slowly walked further in.
"You know," said a voice, turning on a light and pointing a gun at her, "most people knock before entering."
The man had only one eye, but even she could tell he was highly trained.
"I was invited" She said as her mind raced about what was going on. she knew for sure these were coordinates she had heard but this was not the safe house, and this man was not hydra.
"You think you're the only one who knows how to hide in the shadows?" the man asked. "I remember you, you know. You shot my father in the knee and took him out of active duty. Had your pistol trained on me. You let me live, have a second chance. Let me give that to you." He lowered his gun. "I'm forming a group of extraordinary people. Let me tell you about the Avengers Initiative."
She was silent for a moment. Her mind was racing, and she knew she was on a time limit. Hydra has very strict protocols, the face that she is here and not where she was suppose to be means she is already in trouble or worse "I have no interest in hearing about..."
"It's a way to freedom," he said, pointing to a business card next to her. "We have another three minutes before your... comrades arrive. If you want a chance to save yourself and others trapped like you. Whenever you are ready to get out, give me a call."
He walked out of the house and disappeared into the night. Right on time, her handlers appeared, Pierce in tow.
---5 hours later-----
Tony didn't care the looks he was getting still being in his suit as he sat next to Ami hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up. He had two security guards outside the door and more at the house with pepper and she worked on finding out anything she could about the intruder. He was not taking this suit off until Ami was safe back home where he was going to make damn sure the security protocols of the house were not only upgraded but set to lethal.
He didn't see her eyes flutter open, but he did hear her say in a hoarse voice, "Tony?"
When he looked at her, she saw that his eyes were red. She didn't care how she was alive, just that she was. She moved her right fingers and he took off his glove to hold her hand. Tears filled her own eyes.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
He shook his head and took off his helmet "you have nothing to be sorry for the house should have been safe ive been lacking lately this is my doing not yours" he said
She shook her head. "I'm not talking about her getting in, Tony. She was highly trained. No, I tried to put failsafe's in place on the blueprints. She knew. I had to take them off. I let her get the designs for your suit." The tears fell and she slowly sat up. "I let her take your blueprints. I was scared, Tony. I-I couldn't think." She hugged him as tightly as she could. "I'll stay in the lab. I promise. I don't want to ever be that scared again."
He gently laid her down " the suit doesn't matter compared to your health and safety" he said "and though I'm relieved to hear you don't want to be out there with me it hurts me to know why" he added "how about we refresh you on some training and get you a suit yourself just in case ok? it never hurts to practice self-defense, we are starks after all, with all the trouble we get into its wise to know how to defend ourselves"
Despite how upset she was, Ami laughed through the tears and said, "Okay. I'll be the one to drag your ass out of trouble and save the day. I'll get all the applause and the ladies-"
He smiled and said, "Watch it over there."
Just then pepper came in "ami your awake " she said with excitment and relief "i swear you starks are going to put me in a early grave!" she said and walked over to her and sat on the other side of her "how are your feeling are you ook? what have the doctors said? when can..."
"I just woke up, Pep," Ami said, Tony helping her lay back down. "I'm not feeling pain because of the meds, so that's all good. The doctors haven't been in yet to tell me anything."
"But I'm here now," the doctor said. "I'd say you can go home in a week or so. We need to make sure infection doesn't set in. You have two broken ribs, a broken forearm, and a broken wrist, but it looks like all clean breaks. You are very lucky, Ms. Stark. You'll need to rest, no mixing alcohol with your medication, and just heal."
"Well, he's taking all the fun out of being injured, but fine," Ami said.
Pepper gave her a look "its not funny ami nothing about any of this is funny" she said and she could hear the fear and pain in her voice "honestly you two..." She said standing up "Im....going to go make arrangements since youll be staying"
"I've already cried over it, Pep," Ami replied. "If I don't make a joke out of it, I don't think I'll stop." She placed her hand over the bandages on her chest. "That was one of the scariest things I've ever experienced and I never want to go through it again."
Pepper looked back at her "good because i cant bare to see either of you hurt anymore" SHe said and for the first time Ami was able to see how tired she looked and that her eyes were puffy like she hadn't slept and had been crying alot. She left without another word "typical pepper huh "tony said jokingly "always the party pooper" he said looking just as tired
She poked his cheek like she had as a toddler and said, "Don't act like you didn't want to say something, metalhead." She chuckled at the look on his face. "I'm going to try and sleep."
Ami was flush against the intruder. Fear made everything muffled. Tony and Pepper looked just as scared as she felt. Then, a flash drew her attention and the robotic voice played in her ear.
Then, the knife came down, red filled the scene as it was removed. She was dying.
"NO!" Ami screamed, jolting up painfully from her nightmare.
Soft arms came around her "ami its ok im here your safe" peppers voice rang
"P-Pepper?" Ami gasped. "I'm alive?" She gripped Pepper's shirt in her trembling fists. "I'm alive. I'm alive..."
Pepper stroked her head "yes your alive ami and safe" she said in a soothing tone "im here and tony will be here later and we have gaurds right outside your room too, your safe"
Ami burst into tears, burying her face in Pepper's shoulder. Tony walked in with some cheeseburgers and saw the scene. Pepper waved him back.
"There was b-blood everywhere," Ami said. "It hurt." She looked at Pepper. "I was leaving you and Tony, and I didn't want to! She tried to take me from both of you and I-" her breaths came in gasps. "I couldn't-"
"TONY!" Pepper called out. Tony came back in with the doctors behind him "ami look at me" he said grabbing her face while the doctors started to check on her
"She's having a panic attack," said the doctor. "Ms. Stark, can you name five things you can see?"
"T-Tony," Ami gasped. "P-Pepper. You. The blanket. The door."
"Good. Four things you can touch."
"Pepper's shirt. The bed. The blanket. Tony's hands."
"Three things you can hear."
"You're voice. The monitors. The nurses outside."
"Two things you can smell."
"Tony's cologne and Pepper's perfume."
"One thing you can taste."
"My cherry chapstick."
"How are you feeling now?"
"Better. Thank you."
"would you like to go home im sure we can have doctors attend to you there" Tony asked
"It would be best if she stayed here," said the doctor. "It will-"
"I'll have to go back at some point," Ami said. "It's my home. I'd probably sleep better there."
Tony nodded "Sorry doc whatever she want she get" tony said standing up "ill go get your room read" he said and pepper stood up "Ill go get you discharged and get the doctors ready for house visits" they both said going into action
The doctor waited until they had left before turning to Ami and saying, "Forcing yourself to stay in the home you were attacked in-"
Ami pulled her knees up and replied, "I'm not going to force my brother out of our house because I'm afraid. Besides, it only happened in the workshop. I can work out of the rest of the house. Or build my own lab. I don't have to go to the garage if I don't want to. But I do need to be home."