Are you there?

Litha and Winter at down and waiting in the room for Pierce to show up. Litha seemed even more emotionless than usual. She had barely spoken a word to him since they had been back.
Bucky. That was his name. Well, not his real name. It was a nickname Becca... his baby sister, Rebecca, had given him. His birth name was James, but after Becca called him Bucky because she couldn't pronounce Buchanan, he kept it. He glanced at Litha... Evelyn... Eve, the eldest of his two sisters. They were only ten months apart, and yet, he had to protect his little sister. He couldn't remember how she had been captured and brought into this hell, but he knew he would if he got out. Maybe she could remember too. Remember the swims during the summer, going to Coney Island with his best friend only to watch him throw up after riding The Cyclone, and the day they both boarded the train that would take them away from Brooklyn. He couldn't remember his best friend yet, but he would.

Damn it, they couldn't go back. It was wrong. Sure, he was a murderer, and he probably deserved everything that had happened to him, but his sister didn't! If for no other reason, he had to make sure she got out.

"'Til the end of the line,'" he whispered, partially to see if she remembered anything and partially because he couldn't help himself.

She didn't move or say anything right away and then slowly she glanced at him "what?" she asked in a emotionless tone

"We said it all the time with my best friend," he said, staring at the floor. "You and him seemed so close. When we were having a rough go, we'd say, 'I'm with you til the end of the line.'" He looked at her. "Eve... Litha... we have a chance, before they get here. We have another half hour at least, hour at most for traffic. Let's just go!"

The pain that radiated through his head was enough to make him lose his vision for a moment, Her punch had come out of nowhere and he found himself on the floor. She lifted her hand to her ear piece "Handler one be advised Wint..."

He pinned her against the wall, stopping her from speaking and removed the earpiece, crushing it. He then, moved back to avoid her hits and kicks.

"Litha," he said, pain ringing with every word, "I know my sister is still in there. And I will move heaven and hell to get you out of this."

He kissed her forehead just as their mother used to do before he punched her hard, enough to leave her dizzy and allow him to escape. He couldn't risk taking any of the vehicles at the safehouse, knowing that they were bugged with trackers. He made his way down the road and found a bike at a gas station. He hopped on and drove down the road in the opposite direction of his intended destination, the engine roaring beneath him. Once he was sure no one was following him, he made his way through New York... hopefully back to someone still willing to help.

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