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View character profile for: Captain Laurence Miller
An unexpected arrival Part 7
The entity within the gravity drive remained silent, its response a mere whisper of a feeling. But somehow that was enough to convey its subservience to its master. Captain Miller turned away from it, his gaze shifting to his resurrected crew as they prepared for departure. There was a lingering unease at the thought of activating the gravity drive again and returning, however briefly to the hell dimension.
"I know how you all feel about this. When I escaped the hell dimension, I immediately swore never to go back, either. But the Event Horizon is under my control now. I command it! And if we're going to leave this solar system, the gravity drive's the only means we have to do it. I failed some of you once. And for that, I am sorry. But mark my words, I don't intend to again," he said.
Not exactly a rousing speech, Miller thought to himself. A hundred years in hell has a way of degrading such skills. He took a long, deep breath and scanned the faces of his crew. They all seemed to be digesting his words. Slowly, acceptance began to creep across their faces. One by one, they nodded their agreement.
"Thank you," he said.
Crew members took position at temporary work stations around the periphery of the gravity drive. Using the newly repaired ion engines, Lieutenant Smith piloted the Event Horizon to the edge of the solar system.
"That should about do it. We aught to be clear of any gravitational interference from the planets," he reported from his console. "Captain, are you sure about this?"
"Trust me, Smitty," Miller said, clasping his shoulder.
The man nodded, but said nothing else.
"All hands, prepare for dimensional gateway activation!" Kilpack announced. Then to Miller, "Would you like the honor?"
"...I suppose this how it should be," Miller said, wrapping his hand around the lever and feeling the sensation of writhing flesh between his fingers.
All around him, crew members braced themselves. Some trembled. Some cried.
Miller threw the lever forward and the Event Horizon silently dissapeared from normal space.