Apprentice troubles.

Zacbob Tiphas sat in a dimly lit cargo hold working on a droid. He was dressed like a humble Droid Technician, but he was much more than that. He worked in relative silence.

“The galaxy is in chaos,” he said finally speaking as he tore into the droid's servo control module.
The droid that was in parts was an assassin droid that had tried to attack him. The Sith’s connection with the force allowed him to stop the attack. Now the droid was being re-purposed and taught better ways, mainly to kill for him in more efficient ways.

“The Jedi tell everyone they can be equal while oppressing them. Sudents are not above their teachers. Those with power and vision lead... Do you not think?” he asked his apprentice who was kneeling behind him.
‘Yes, master,” she said, not looking up.

Zacbob could feel conflicted emotions coming from her. The Twilic woman was less than half his age but she was quick and graceful. She was power hungry and he stood in her way.

She had come to learn that Zacbob tolerated no disrespect from his apprentices. Disrespect brought pain. Zacbob was a guardian of the old ways, when the Sith used their power to govern a large part of the galaxy. Before the galaxy was brainwashed by the Jedi.

Zacbob closed his eyes for a moment and reached for his lightsaber. The droid watching her noticed the tell she had before she was going to attack. She did not know she projected her attack, but he did. He had trained her and watched her like a parent watching their child.

Zacbob had been warned in a vision of what was to come next, betrayal. In the time it took to blink the apprentice launched herself to attack her master from behind. In the same instance the droid’s blaster erupted hitting her in the hip dropping her to the ground. Zacbob rose slowly drawing his lightsaber and igniting it.

“You picked the wrong time and place,” Zacbob said to her.
He had enjoyed his attacker as an apprentice. She was smart, ambitious, and he had enjoyed her company in all the ways a Sith Master could - allowed and not. Now she was going to die. He knew that another would someday take her place.

She tried to lift her lightsaber to continue the fight. But with the force he pinned her arm down to the ship deck. She could not lift her arm to fight back.
“Not today, child,” he said. Lifting his other hand he used the force to squeeze her heart.

He could feel every beat, the panic, and gasps as she tried to fight back. Trying to attack and find a weakness with her powers. He grinned as the beating stopped. Her face was filled with pain. She had not realized how strong he really was.

“Determination does not normally overcome preparation, my dear,” He said.
With a swipe of his saber her head rolled. The red beam did not even slow.

Reaching out with the force he communicated with his astromech and pilot droid, “Set a course for the Thustra System.”

The word was that Aguro Eronoss was looking for Darth Yoirrai.

To the group of droids he said, “Clean this up and put her lightsaber in my room.”
Walking out he head to the ship's bridge.

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