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Image of Lance Evans/Goldie

Summary: An anti-social busy body trapped in the world of the supernatural.

Lance Evans/Goldie

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Gender: Male

Age: 18

Group: Mixed Race


Human/Vampire hybrid


High School Student: He is a third year high school student who survived a vampire attack during spring break, and barely regained his human life in the time that followed. Since then, he's been affiliated with Goldie/Queen Lyekka, the vampire that had attacked him, and continues to feed her his blood. As such, he's still not entirely human and certain vampire traits remain, such as quick regeneration.


Vampire Flaws: None as they have been removed.
Human Flaws: Prone to get involved in supernatural problems.
Prone to help females in distress from the supernatural.
He is a bit of a masochist since he gets beaten up a lot.

Physical Appearance

He is a young man with dark hair, green eyes, and a medium complexion. He is in decent shape since he runs to avoid being around others.

Personality and interests

Lance is a laid-back individual. Prior to his experience during his last spring break, he was rather anti-social in high school, claiming that having friends would "lower his integrity as a human," due to a negative experience during his first year. This ideology seems to have multiple implications, as his explanations seem to change slightly in different instances. He describes it as an idea that being close to others could ultimately harm him. If his friends got hurt, he would also be hurt. It gives a person more weak points. Instead, it shows how he found disturbance in the fact that a "truth" can be made just by numbers. Something doesn't have to actually be true, but if a majority of people say it is, it's treated as such. He has his own sense of what's right, and doesn't want to be a part of the "majority rule" in deciding justice. In either instance, both explanations support isolation and the idea that he would be stronger as a person if he was alone.

His experience with the Priest caused him to open up and be more open to making friends. He's a poor academic student, close to failing every class except math. Lance has a desire to help those around him and believes strongly in taking responsibility for personal matters that he could have helped despite not being any of his business. This desire causes him to behave recklessly or abuse his regeneration powers when faced with dangerous situations. His desire to help is often portrayed as his own selfish desire and seen by those around him as being too soft towards other people.


Lance is a high school student who survived a vampire attack during spring break, and barely regained his human life in the time that followed. Since then, he's been affiliated with Goldie/Queen Lyekka, the vampire that had attacked him, and continues to feed her his blood. As such, he's still not entirely human and certain vampire traits remain, such as regeneration.

Goldie/Queen Lyekka: She was formerly a Noble human child princess named Lyekka who was cursed into causing anyone in proximity to her to commit suicide. She then took the name of Princess Lyekka before meeting a purebred vampire that turned her into a powerful vampire named Queen Lyekka. She now takes the form of an ten-year-old girl with another new name Goldie after losing most of her powers. Lance can see her in his reflection and can hear her voice when she talks to him. Over time she and he get close.

Favorite Sayings

If you're walking down the street and you smell a scent, it can take you right back to a memorable time in your life, whether it's a moment with an ex-girlfriend or a childhood event or a psychopath who wants you for lunch.

The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something, for a split second it's so great, because for a little bit I'm out of my brain, and it's got nothing to do with me. I'm not trying to figure it out, you know what I mean? And I wonder if I can somehow find a way to maintain that mind stillness.

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