Side steps.

Rico sat outside a corner store enjoying a smoke and just people watching. It was one of his favorite things to do. He listened to the guy singing and playing a set of plasma drums for spare credits and bobbed his head to the rhythm. A girl with pink hair walked by and looking kinda nervous but this was the outskirts of the city and so probably best to be on one's toes. He didn't pay her much mind. Until he noticed that two other guys had. They followed her around the corner and he casually got up to follow them he touched wrists with the drummer as he passed. He whitled really loud making all three people turn to face him " ay mida! You passed me back there ma!" He walked to hr with a big grin and dropped his arm round her. He steered them back towards the way they had came. When heir back was to the guys and whispered to where only she could hear. " those guys were following you. Just pretend you know me and walk. "

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