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View character profile for: Mitth Astra

View character profile for: Grand Admiral thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
Flashback: Astra's Memories
Posted byPosted: Dec 14, 2023, 1:05pm
Thrawn had been Surveying the damage and repairs to his ship after the fight with the Yuuzhan Vong. When he entered the sickbay he came across a small red haired girl. She was about thirteen. He known her fairly well. She had been born aboard the Chimaera. The girl had quite the abtattude for tactics but she also had third sight or as her people referred to it force sensitivity.
“ I tried to worn you, why didn't you listen to me” she said quietly as tears streaked her face.
“ the loss of your parents is regrettable they were good officers” Thrawn said from behind her.
“ iv already heard that, what do you want, you can't send me home were stuck in the unknown regions” she said without looking at him.
“ no but I can offer you a new family…” He started and was cut of by Astra who snapped at him in Cheunh.
“ I don't want a new family, you can't just walk in and replace them”
“ I see you have been practicing Cheunh, but no I can not replace your family. I can offer you a place within the chiss ascendancy. You could become a navigator and navigate our ships” he said.
Astra thought and looked at her parents. A thirteen year old should not have to make such a choice. “ Goodbye mom dad, I love you” she said, her voice breaking as she spoke. She turned to face Thrown wiping the tears from her face as she did so. “ Ok i'm ready,” she said. Thrawn nodded and led her away. Unknown to them was how different she would be when she returned.