DeVirr - Medical Clearance

Adonis IV
Six Star Alliance - Fortress Station
1330 - 12-01-2396


Medical Bay G6

“Okay, lets test the eyes …” The Doctor said, turning his attention towards the viewer. “ Let’s start with magnification x10.”

DeVirr focused and let her eyes zoom in on the target at x10.

“And magnification x100.”

DeVirr focused again on the next target switching to the next setting.

“And magnification x1000.”

DeVirr reset her vision and focused on the last target.” Vision looks clear to me.”

‘Good, Okay I’m just gonna go ahead and have the eyes run a full diagnostic cycle and then we’ll move on.”

DeVirr frowned to herself as her vision ran through the diagnostic cycle switching from normal to low-light to thermal and then back to normal again.

“Any discomfort or disorientation?” The Doctor asked.


“Good.” The Doctor said as his attention turned to her data plate briefly as he pulled up the results from her universal blood tests. “ Okay, so no banned substances detected, no unapproved performance enhancers detected, and no blood abnormalities detected. There are the typical trace amounts of alcohol in your system and your blood sugar levels are about what I’dexpect them to be given your dietary preferences so that's not all that surprising.”

“Not going to tell me to cut back this time Doc?” DeVirr smirked at the man.

For his part the Doctor simply shrugged. “ Honestly, there is no point given that things like diabetes and liver damage from excessive alcohol consumption are not conditions that are transferred over during the cloning process.”

“Nice to know.”

“So tell me how are the hands feeling?” The Doctor asked pushing closer to collect her one hand to examine it close up followed by the other. “ Any tingling or loss of sensation?”

“No, they seem like the real things.” She noted.” I still feel phantom pains now and again but I’m told that's normal given my situation.”

“And what about the high-end tech, Anything seem off with those?” he asked.

“Not really.” She noted. “Everything seems to be in working order.”

The Doctor nodded, as he reviewed the data plate a final time. “ So,Command wants me to remind you of the dangers of illicit substances and the abuse of performance enhancers on the field. Specifically Command is requesting that substance’s like Booster and Turbo are to be avoided and warns that the use or possession of a new drug called Wired will merit disciplinary action up to and including court martial.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard of this new one called Wired yet.” DeVirr noted aloud.

“I’ll forward you the data but trust me when I say it's some pretty nasty shit.”

‘Noted.” She offered. “So am I good?”

“You’re good.” The Doctor agreed. “ Send in the next drone on your way out.”

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