Assassination at the Raider Camp

They went to a rooftop overlooking the raider camp to get an idea of what to expect. They were each using a scope off of a broken sniper rifle to spy on them. Jazzlyn didn't know why, if you had been to one raider camp you pretty much know what to expect. Alessandra insisted upon spying first because she didn't want to get surprised by any former associates of hers. Alessandra knew Jazz didn't understand but Jazz complied.

Jazz pointed out the person she thought was the leader of this camp. Alessandra went to check him out. She saw Tyron the one person she never wanted to see again in her life. "No. No! No. No! No." Alessandra started panicking, hyperventilating, & backing away. If not for Jazz grabbing her Alessandra would have fallen off the roof. Alessandra eventually calmed down with Jazz's help. "Can you kill that leader from here with your rifle?" Jazz studied the distance. "If I duct tape your scope on and wait for him to get closer there's a..." She did the math in her head. "90% chance with the VATS. The rest of the gang will be on high alert. There is a better-than-good chance they will find us." Alessandra got a very stern look on her face. "It's a chance we have to take. He must die." Alessandra knew she would have to explain everything later, she was not looking forward to it but she wasn't going to let the sick fucking bastard who ruined her life live anymore. She would prefer to do it up close and personal, to see the life fade from his eyes but she knew she would freeze up and that would result in a fate worse than death for Alessandra.

Alessandra gave her scope to Jazz to duct tape onto her rifle. They stayed on that roof for hours waiting for Jazz to assassinate Tyron. Eventually, Tyron took off his armor and placed it on a rack. As soon as he did that Jazz entered VATS mode and targeted his torso for as many shots as she could. She then fired. Alessandra watched from Jazz's scope as Tyron's torso became Swiss cheese then finally he turned to ash. Alessandra wanted to take the time to relish in seeing him turn to ash but she knew they had to get out of there so she grabbed Jazz and they started to run.
They ran for two hours straight and never once saw one of the raiders looking for the assassin. It was getting dark. They took shelter in a ruined building that offered better-than-nothing protection from the elements. Alessandra started a fire. Alessandra appreciated Jazz not pressing for more information but she owed it to her. Alessandra just hoped that Jazz would stay. While staring at the fire, Alessandra told Jazz everything. During the explanation, Jazz listened quietly, even when Alessandra became too emotional to talk for a moment. When the explanation was over Jazz handed Alessandra a handkerchief made from an old shirt. Alessandra took it and then grabbed Jazz and hugged her. Alessandra started to apologize for lying but Jazz just put a finger to her lips. "When we first met, you didn't know me. You didn't know how I would react to all that. So you protected yourself from a potential threat. I understand. Then you became afraid of losing me, so you maintained your lies, half-truths, and omissions. I understand. There is no reason to be sorry as long as you are not keeping any more secrets from me. You aren't keeping any more secrets, right? Beyond the ones you keep for work." Alessandra gave Jazz a thumbs up. "Good. It's been a rough day, let's just get some sleep." They curled up next to the fire and went to sleep.

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