Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Evie

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Radar

View character profile for: Riven
Radar Misunderstands Again
“Are we there yet?” Riven asked in an almost playful tone.
Alex chuckled “shouldn't be too long we can all rest and eat.”
“Good,” Riven looked back at Riley. “Someone needs to eat a big meal after what he did.”
Alex looked back seeing Riley talk to River and smiled.
Riven made silly kissy noises that he made sure only Alex could hear and chuckled.
“Let's hope it doesn't go beyond that” Alex whisper so only Riven could hear “otherwise you can explain how River got knocked up on this trip to Abe”
Riven looked horrified at the prospect of explaining things to Abe. “Oh, hell nah!”
That was when Evie suddenly woke up with a scream, slapping and kicking at Loreen and Riven. “No! NO! LET ME GO! NOOO!”
“Evie it's Riley you're ok” he spoke trying to calm her down.
In a panic, Evie bit down on his wrapped up and injured arm. At this point, he would definitely be feeling things.
“Evie, no!” Riven called, heading to the back of the van.
“Damn it!” Loreen scrambled for a sedative.
“Fascinating she has usurped the order and claimed him as a mate with her bite.” Radar whispered.
Riley passed out as she drew blood.
Riven pulled Evie away and she started to bite at his arms in her panic. “That’s not what that means, Radar!” He blurted. “Ow, stop biting me!”
River quickly tended to Riley to stop the bleeding and check his head to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself.
Loreen was on Evie, giving her the sedative quickly. “Jesus, she recovered from that too fast! Alex, get us to that safe house. Fast!”
“two mates” Radar whispered scribbling notes.
Alex nodded and floored it not long after they could arrive.
“I am going to kill you, Radar…” Riven growled. “That is not how biting works in this type of situation.”
Loreen sighed heavily and let Riven carry Evie into the safe house. “Make sure to check her with that device for anything that could be hidden in her system as a tracking device.” She explained and went to help Riley.
Only, he didn’t need help. River was carrying him with vines and tree roots to the safe house.
Alex was unloading the device needed to contain her from the van alongside Radar.
Riley Was pale and sweating.
River rubbed some pain relieving ointment onto the new bite. “It’s okay.”
Riley simply groaned in pain. Evie had bitten pretty deep.
“That girl must have been through something horrible…” River said as she made sure the ointment was rubbed in. She reached over and gently patted his face. “Riley, wake up, please.”
“I can feel my arm now” he groaned “now I wish I wasn't.”
“Here,” River popped a berry into his mouth. “It’s a stronger pain reliever.”
Riley chewed it feeling some relief instantly. “Feels like she took a chunk out”
“Shockingly, she didn’t.” River said and let him rest.
Meanwhile Alex was setting the device up in the living room with Radar.
“So Evie did not claim both Riley and Riven” Radar spoke a Alex explained it.
Riven groaned. “For the last time, no, she did not claim Riley or I as her mates.” He explained. “I should have given them the talk before we left…” He had been meaning to, but when you take care of a bunch of wild teenagers, it slips the mind.
“Or we could bribe Klaire to” Alex offered as he worked “hopefully Joel isn't getting into trouble.”
“God, I hope Skorn is keeping him out of trouble…” Riven groaned, having cussed out a few girls already for trying to take advantage of Joel. They thought he was like any other meta or human guy, but he wasn’t. He had too much childish banter still in him. He was innocent.
Alex shuddered as he remembered the peanut butter incident “ok stranger danger to Joel first then the talk I'm going to need a lot of steak to bride Klaire.”