Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Evie

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Radar

View character profile for: Riven

View character profile for: River Rossland
Riley And River, So Cute
“Yeah, bribing her is not going to be easy…she’s got her hands full with Tzeitel.” Riven sighed heavily as he looked at Evie. “What are we gonna do with you…” He brushed her hair from her slumbering face.
“ Okay this should act as a a cage to contain her powers without freaking her out like a collar” Alex replied “ once she's awake, we can try to explain things to her. Loreen did you ever interact with Evie or did Riley?”
“No one did,” Loreen explained with a frown as she walked over. “She was locked up as the core to the facility. Thrane used her like a literal battery for years. She was isolated.”
“Jesus…” Riven whispered.
“Alright then it's going to be an all hands on deck” Alex replied “River with Riley out of commission you're on standby to restrain Evie with Riven, Radar will monitor the device and Loreen will have another syringe ready.”
Loreen handed a small box to River. “The sedatives. Easy to use.” She said with a yawn. “I need sleep, so if she gives you trouble, get me ASAP.”
River nodded.
Riven would stay and watch Evie. He couldn’t pull himself away from her.
Riley was in one of the rooms trying to sleep.
River left the sedatives with Riven and went to check on Riley, sitting down on the bed. “You can’t sleep?” She asked.
“Arm itches” he replied “nerves are healing so feels like ants crawling all over.”
“Sadly, I can’t give you anything for that. The anti-itch cream would interact with the pain ointment and…you’d feel a burning.” River admitted. “I’m still working on something to do both without the burn.”
Riley smiled “Your berries have been very helpful.”
“I’m glad they have.” River replied and set a small jar down by the bed. “Here are more of the pain reliever berries if you need them.”
“Thank you” Riley spoke trying to get into a comfortable position “how are the others?”
“Riven is keeping an eye on Evie, who doesn’t have any trackers in her, thankfully. She’s…not well. Loreen is getting some rest, Radar is taking more notes and Alex is doing what Alex does.” River shrugged.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“A little tired, but I’m okay. I prefer the outdoors, but I know we need to stay in here to be safe.” River explained, thinking of how she could be enjoying the trees and plants at the moment. “You know, before I came to the Underground with papa, I couldn’t control my power. Anything or anyone I touched would grow plants out of them. I’d leave behind a trail of flowers if I walked barefoot…They’ve helped me so much over the years. I hope you can grow to see the Underground as home.”
Riley smiled at the thought of her leaving flowers as she walked. “I never had a home before but I like to think I have one now everyone's been so nice and helpful with me.”
“You deserve kindness, Riley. You’re a good person. A kind one…” River gently set a hand on his shoulder.
Riley blushed at her touch “thank you River I'm glad I met you.”
“I’m happy we met too.” River said. “If it helps, I’ll sit here until I’m needed.”
“I'd like that” he whispered, making room for her.
River moved to lay down next to him, letting out a soft sigh. “It feels nice to lie down again.” She said with a laugh.
“Feels better than the crap we had for bed in Megacorp” he chuckled his mind drifting to coral for a moment causing him to shudder.
Feeling him shudder, River looked at him. “You okay?”
Riley nodded before speaking “in Megacorp there was a woman named coral she ‘visited’ me a lot in my cell” he replied the look on his face saying it all.
“Well, this Coral can’t visit you anymore.” River said, huffing. “I’ll make her go away for you!” And she could back up those words…
Riley smiled resting his head on her shoulder “promise?”
“Promise,” She replied with a smile.