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View character profile for: Colt Westerly

View character profile for: Piritta Mirja Toivonen
Our Favorite Finn (Pt 3)
Colt was surprised she actually gave it back and held the sword close. It was a small warmth compared to his family being…gone. Megan and his cousins were out of the country and safe, but he’d stayed. He had to protect his friends, his best friend…the girl that was a sister. “I have to find a way back. I have to get Tzeitel free…”
“Joo.” Piritta said. “They probably have a bunch of tracking tech in you and will bring you back before long.”
Colt, ironically, had only the one chip. “I doubt it…” He muttered and looked at the room around them. He wanted out of here, out of where Canestone had ruined his best friend’s life. “I need out of here.” He wanted to set this place on fire.
“Joo…” Piritta said again, pushing the door open. “I can carry you over the briars again.”
Colt shook his head. “I’ll be fine.” He said and headed out the door, using his wind to force the briars out of his way. He should get a new shirt and maybe a hat to hide his ears, but he had no real clue where they were. “Where are we, exactly?”
“Morgan Hill State Forest.” Piritta said. “New York state.”
“Hmmm…” Colt thought for a moment. Knowing where he was helped, but he couldn’t reach the North Pole from here. “Damn it…I can’t get back without a helicopter or a plane…”
“How were you going to get me back?” Piritta asked. “Uber?”
Colt grunted. “No clue, honestly. I was gonna have to wait where I caught you until they came to get me. That’s what they always do, anyway. But we’re not gonna be caught again…at least I won’t be, but I’m not letting them catch you, either.” He explained.
“Like you could have held me that long.” Piritta scoffed.
“I believe you on that,” Colt said with a chuckle. “I can’t make myself keep metas hostage. I always let them go…”
“Joo… We can try walking north.” Piritta suggested.
“How are we going to cross the ocean?” Colt asked, tilting his head to the side. “Is that your way of saying you’ll help?”
“Joo. I can swim.” Piritta said.
“I’ll take that as a yes to helping me too.” Colt said as he walked with Piritta. “Maybe we can get a car or something on the way.”
“Joo.” Piritta grinned. “I want to learn how to drive. “Let’s steal a car with Campbell Brantley stickers on it.”
Staring at her for a moment, Colt felt a jolt of concern about her wording. Learn to drive? She didn’t know how to drive? “Uh…sure.” He murmured and kept walking. They just needed to find a car to get first. “What was in that food you gave me earlier?”
“Some herbs and mushrooms I have discovered.” Piritta shrugged. “Secret recipe.”
“Is that why it made me feel…high?” Colt grabbed up some rocked on the way and spun them around with his wind, curious about all that he could do with his enhanced power.
“Joo.” Piritta smiled. “Wasn’t it nice?”
“I’ve never been that relaxed before.” Colt admitted. “Thanks.”
“Ei mitään.” Piritta shrugged and patted Colt on the shoulder.