Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Yule

View character profile for: Nero Karterson

View character profile for: Haven

View character profile for: Slither
Not A Haven (Pt. 6)
“Oh…” Haven looked at Riley’s neck. Did she have to touch this man?
“I think he wants you to get the chip out of Riley’s neck too…” Yule said as she watched. “Uhm…Riley, does your healing factor still work?”
Nero shook Riley and pointed at his neck again.
“I know… I don’t want to hurt him.” Haven said, nervously looking at Riley.
“The chip suppresses it” he answered “it only kicks in fully if the chip detects me near death.”
“I might not be able to get it out before I hurt you too badly.” Haven said anxiously.
“Do it.” Nero said.
“loreen won't leave without me and I can't leave without the chip being removed” he replied looking at Haven “if I die at i die knowing she'll get out and that's a risk I'm willing to take so please…”
Haven gulped and touched the back of Riley’s neck. She tried to get the chip as soon as it was accessible.
Yule went over and watched. The moment she saw Riley’s neck open up, she bit her bottom lip and used her little sharp cat claws to rip out the chip. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!” She squeaked.
Riley bit down hard on his own arm while Nero held him in place. The pain was almost unbearable but he focused on Loreen in his mind in an attempt to not pass out. Once the chip was out he collapsed like a puppet with his strings cut.
Haven jumped away from Riley as soon as the chip was out. “Heal heal heal…” She whispered.
Sure enough the wound began to close “….ne…..erves… dam.t….ealing” he slurred one of his hands slowly giving a thumbs up.
Nero let Riley drop to the ground the moment he fell. The snow would soften the impact anyway. “Up then. Get up.” He nudged Riley with a bare foot since he’d taken his own armor off to make sure the girls stayed warm. Speaking of…he looked at them and pointed to the armors. “Keep. Warm.”
Yule nodded and hopped back into her armor to hide.
After a couple of minutes Riley shakingly stood up “thank you girls” he replied speech turning back to normal but it was obvious he was running on fumes“let's get the others and get out of here.”
“Need food?” Nero asked and gestured to the dead soldier as if that was the best meal ever.
Haven threw up in her mouth a little.
“ I appreciate the offer, but I need something with a lot more calories and energy” Riley replied “Loreen always carries some special energy bars on her that'll help”
Nero seemed confused but shrugged and left with Riley.
Yule looked at Haven. “You going to be okay?” She asked.
Haven shrugged. “I don’t want to be recaptured.”
Riley led them through the facility looking for Loreen.
“Then lets keep hiding in the armors until Nero and Riley get back.” Yule said with a sniffle. “This is kinda gross, but at least it doesn’t feel…fleshy. Whatever Nero’s power does, it makes it feel like obsidian or something.”
“I guess.” Haven said, ducking into the armor. “I’d rather die out here than live in MegaCorp.”
Yule nodded in agreement before realizing Haven couldn’t see. “Y-yeah…I’m tired of being used.”
“I never want to be touched again.” Haven said.
Yule sniffled again. “I agree.”
“I can’t believe some women actually like…. that.” Haven shuddered.
“I mean, if given the proper pleasure, it’s likable, but…” Yule sighed heavily. “It’s not pleasant for us.”
Haven shook her head. Urbanus had been her first, and every time afterwards was just painful and humiliating.
Yule just hoped no one would come out and find them.
Haven shivered, it was not just the cold.
Yule peeked her head out, watching the door as if she expected Urbanus to come charging outside at them.