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View character profile for: Kalahan Cook

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nine
Escape? (Pt 1)
“Fucking stoppit.” Tzeitel groaned tiredly as the babies did jumping jacks.
Cook looked at her. “Still causing you chaos?” He asked.
Tzeitel nodded, staring at the wall. “I never wanted to get pregnant or have kids.”
“I know…Colt told me before he went to get the medicine almost a year ago…” Cook told her. “I wish it had been me and not him. You’d still have a friend…”
Tzeitel tried to curl into a ball but her belly was in the way. A tear escaped her, remembering how Colt was killed for trying to help her.
Cook was hesitant, but he walked over and sat on the bed before lying down. He gently pulled Tzeitel into a hug, but made sure not to force her. He only wanted to comfort. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened, Tzeitel…” He whispered. They were words that Colt had once spoken before he’d gone to get that medicine.
Tzeitel started to freak out, tensing her limbs to fight when she heard Cook echoing Colt. She broke down in sobs.
Cook gently rubbed her arm, closing his eyes as he fought back his own fears. “We’re here for you, Tzeitel. Klaire and the others are coming to save you.” He reminded her.
“Coral said I was going to be given to Canestone after they’re born.” Tzeitel whispered. It was easy to understand why Tzeitel was considering suicide.
“No one will let that happen.” Cook said. “Even Thrane hates Canestone.”
“He likes to torture me.” Tzeitel said.
“And Thrane has proven he likes to torture Canestone…he left him hanging in his room when he kept…uh…doing things.” Cook explained as he pulled away and sat up.
“He’ll want me to get pregnant again.” Tzeitel said.
“Well, we’ll have to get you out before then, won’t we?” Cook said as he stood up, stopping when the door opened. His hand instantly went to his gun.
Standing in the door was Thrane and Nine. “I hear you protected this fox from Coral earlier, Tzeitel.” He told them.
Tzeitel froze, staring out at Thrane and Nine. What was Thrane going to do now?
“You could use the practice with taking care of children.” He said and shoved Nine further into the room. “I suggest keeping the muzzle on. He bites.”
Nine snarled toward Thrane and went on all fours to a corner of the room, knocking over a few things on his way.
Tzeitel did not think for a minute that she would be allowed to keep her babies. Unless… Thrane might use them to torture her. Was she going to be forced to breastfeed? Tzeitel shuddered.
Thrane stared at her before looking toward Cook. “Get out.”
“Bu-” Cook started but was soon thrown out by Thrane’s power. He yelled out when he hit the wall, the door closing.
“I could easily have you strapped down to that bed where you’ll give birth to those children and then forced to get pregnant again. Would you like that, Tzeitel?” Thrane asked.
“You know I don’t.” Tzeitel whispered, feeling shattered.
“Then take good care of the fox. He needs a break from that mess known as Coral.” Thrane said before going to the door. Offering her a small glance, he smirked as he headed out the door.
Tzeitel looked at Nine. He had seemed harmless to her.
Nine was wide eyed and tugging at his muzzle as he watched her warily. He let out a small growling noise.
“I'll take that muzzle off if you don’t touch me.” Tzeitel told Nine.
Nine made a noise and hesitantly got to his feet, slowly making his way over to her. He stopped just out of arms length and tugged at the muzzle again.
“I won’t hurt you.” Tzeitel said, reaching for the muzzle.
Nine flinched away for a moment, but eventually leaned forward enough for her to take it off. He kept his hands pressed into his own stomach, fluffy tail tucked between his legs. It was as if he was scared she would do more than hurt him.
Tzeitel unbuckled the muzzle, took it off and tossed it aside. She looked at Nine sadly, recognizing too much of his body language.
Nine quickly moved away and returned to the corner, hugging his knees close as he watched her and rubbed at his face where the muzzle had been pressed to. His ears kept twitching, picking up all sorts of sounds, small and big.
Tzeitel curled on her side on the bed again. She did not know what else she could do for the fox boy.