Characters in this post

View character profile for: Kalahan Cook

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nine

View character profile for: Shiro Heinrich
Escape? (Pt 2)
It would be a few minutes later when the door opened and a young man walked in with a tray in hand. It had food and water with some medicine for Tzeitel. The hood over his face wouldn’t trick Nine, though, who let out a low growl when he caught the man’s scent.
“Who are you?” Tzeitel demanded, sitting up.
The man jerked back and almost dropped the tray as he looked toward Nine. “Uh…” His voice sounded a lot like Thrane, but was too young, too innocent. “Why is his muzzle off?”
“He’s not a dog.” Tzeitel said angrily. “Get out.”
“I just don’t want to be bit…” The man said and gulped as he set the tray down on the desk. Hesitantly, he pulled his hood back to reveal a face that resembled Thrane’s. “I’m here to help you get out…”
“I don’t believe you.” Tzeitel said, trying to not panic. Where was Cook?
“My name is Shiro…I’m here to help.” He persisted as the door opened and Cook stepped in. He was wrapped up in bandages around his chest.
“What are you doing in here?” He practically growled at the young man. “Get out, you Thrane clone!”
“I don’t want to be here,” Shiro protested. “Please-”
“We can’t trust you!” Cook seethed as Nine growled loudly.
Tzeitel wondered if it could be possible to kill this Thrane clone. He was younger, could not be as powerful.
Shiro raised his hands in defense. “I don’t intend to harm you!” He said desperately, honestly in his crimson eyes that matched Thrane’s.
“Then get us out.” Cook said, training his gun on Shiro. “You betray us and I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in your head.”
Nine went over to Tzeitel, crouching by her and staying on guard.
Tzeitel studied Shiro, not knowing what to believe. “Maybe we should kill him just in case.”
“With his handprints and DNA we can get out.” Cook pointed out. “Kill him once we’re outside.” Narrowing his gaze at Shiro, he added. “Get her collar off.”
Shiro grimaced. “I…I don’t have the key.”
Cook shot at his feet, making Shiro jump back. “Get. Her. Collar. Off.”
Gulping, Shiro held a shaky hand out and Tzeitel’s collar popped off.
“His too,” Cook meant Nine.
Shiro did the same for Nine.
The room flooded with pheromones. The stress and Tzeitel’s pregnancy hormones were affecting her power.
Shiro, thankfully, had a natural shield from it, but Nine and Cook felt a great amount of discomfort. “Maybe I shouldn't have taken it off her…”
“I'll get it under control in a minute.” Tzeitel said, trying to calm herself down. She worked on the breathing exercises Klaire had taught her as the pheromones gradually faded.
Nine, being so close to Tzeitel, had to shake his head to get the dizziness the pheromones had caused him to fade. Snorting, he looked up at her with concern in those eyes of his.
“Well, get us out.” Cook said, keeping his gun trained on Shiro.
The Thrane-look-a-like went to the door and opened it, making it stay open as he waited outside. Cook grabbed up the make-shift cane for Tzeitel and Nine got to his feet, holding his hands out to help her, but did not touch her.
It would be a long time before this room cleared of pheromones, good thing they were leaving the room. Tzeitel waddled out with the makeshift cane.
Nine kept close, one hand near Tzeitel’s arm in case she fell.
Cook would get Shiro to lead them to a secret elevator near the back hall so they could reach the surface. On the way, he grabbed coats and boots for them all. “It’s very cold outside, Tzeitel.” He explained, helping her into the furred coat.
Tzeitel scowled at her belly wish would not allow her to close the coat completely. The babies poked out cheekily, their tiny hands visible under the taut fabric of her jumpsuit.
Nine found a blanket for her to use, hoping it would help.