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View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Skorn

View character profile for: Kiana Millward

View character profile for: Nelly
To Get A Cat (Part 2)
At the shelter where that cat was, Kiana would find Skorn at the front desk. He was talking to one of the people working there and seemed a bit annoyed. “Already adopted? By who?” He asked before letting out a sigh. “I’m aware you can’t tell me. Sorry for askin’.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Are you stalking me?” Kiana asked Skorn.
Upon hearing her voice, Skorn turned to look at Kiana. “I should be askin’ you that since I’ve been here for the past hour.” He retorted in a calm tone. “Well, what I wanted ain’t around, so bye.” He shrugged and headed out the door.
The girl at the desk let out a sigh as she watched Skorn go. “Too bad he only does one-night stands…” She muttered, biting down on the pen in her hand. “Can’t find a guy as amazing in bed as him and its been two years…” That was when she noticed Kiana. “Oh, hi, what can I do for you?”
Kiana stared at the girl for a moment, thinking that was a very strange thing to share. She blinked. “Oh I’m Kiana, I filled out an application for Whiskers.”
“Oh, you’re the one who decided to take in him...” The girl had a surprised expression as she looked over Kiana. “You sure you want him?” She got up and started to tap a few things on her computer. “I’ll get the papers for you.”
“Yeah, he sounds perfect for my home.” Kiana said.
“Riiiiight…” The girl didn’t seem convinced but went to get the papers while another worker brought a crate in. He set it down on the counter for Kiana just as the girl returned. She held out the papers. “Sign here and here.” She put little red x’s where Kiana needed to sign and handed the red-head a pen. “Good luck…”
Kiana happily signed the document.
“Okay, Whiskers is all yours. Have a nice day.” The girl said with a quick wave. The guy who brought the cat out grunted and walked back to the other animals. The back of his shirt was all clawed up by more than just cats…
“Geeze, is everyone a degenerate here?” Kiana wondered aloud, then turned her attention to her new cat.
“No, that guy just rescues a lot of animals and they all have claws.” The girl explained and looked at the crate. “And that’s rude to say anyway.”
“Yes.” Kiana agreed, picking up the crate. Whiskers was calling that girl a slut.
“Huh?” The girl was confused by the yes. “Well, whatever, have a good day!” She gave Kiana a friendly wave. “I really hope you and Whiskers get along. Hey, Gena, where’s that litter of kittens? We have a new room open where they can relax and move around!” She headed for a side room where an older woman was tending to a mother cat and her kittens.
Aww, kittens were so tempting! But Kiana had already adopted Whiskers. She headed out with her new cat.
Skorn was crouched by his truck, grumbling about an asshole slashing his tires as he used a jack to lift it slightly. A pair of raccoons watched from the top of the truck, noticing Kiana.
<Oh, look, someone finally adopted the asshole.> One of the raccoons said with a snicker.
<I wonder how long until that lady realizes he’s such a spoiled brat?> The other inquired, both watching her.
“Do you piss off a lot of people?” Kiana asked Skorn.
Skorn jumped and looked back at Kiana. “No, but I did punch a guy yesterday for calling you a whore…was probably him.” He answered. “Hey, that’s the cat they told me I couldn’t adopt. Hey, Whiskers!”
<Hiss at him, Whiskers!> One of the raccoons called and laughed.
“Who called me a whore?” Kiana asked.
Whiskers hissed at the raccoons.
“Some guy I ran into after I left last night.” Skorn said with a shrug. “Didn’t catch his name…what’s wrong with Whiskers…” He followed the cat’s gaze and saw the raccoons. “Hey, get off there!”
The raccoons rushed off, hopping into a nearby dumpster.
“Really?” Kiana thought that sounded like something a guy would make up trying to impress someone.
Sadly, with Skorn, he didn’t make it up. His knuckles had the marks and he even had a split lip from the guy hitting him back. “I gotta finish changing this to the spare tire, so get home safe, Kiana. See ya, Whiskers. I hope you’re spoiled rotten.” He told the cat and went back to work on the tire.
“Seeya Skorn.” Kiana took a moment to check out Skorn’s butt, then continued on her way.
<She stared at his butt.> The raccoons said as they watched from the dumpster.
<Of course I did. Anyone would.> Kiana headed for home.
The moment Kiana stepped into home she would hear Nelly’s thoughts of threatening Sorley’s eyes for even considering touching her nest.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Kiana set Whiskers loose in the apartment.