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View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Thrane Heinrich

View character profile for: James Brown

View character profile for: Kalahan Cook

View character profile for: Yule

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Ami Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nero Karterson

View character profile for: Nine

View character profile for: Haven

View character profile for: Slither

View character profile for: Shiro Heinrich
Escape? (Pt 5)
Times like this Ami wished she had a tail to wag. She remained strapped into her seat but was a bundle of excited energy moving as much as she could while staying in place.
Klaire loaded up her rifle, making sure the scope was focused properly, and unbuckled as they started to descend toward the icy land below. Going to the side door, she gripped onto it, ready to get out there and fight.
James was up and with her, his body temperature rising to keep them all warm. “Lets do this…” He whispered.
“Approaching the lz looks like contacts outside” the pilot yelled.
Ami bounced on the balls of her feet. “Let's do this!” She excitedly echoed James.
As the jet grew even closer, Klaire finally opened the door and could see a group. “An escape attempt?” She wondered aloud.
Ami picked up a pair of binoculars and looked down at the group. She excitedly tapped Klaire’s arms, shoving the binoculars at her. She recognized someone with very family, very large black eyes like her own. “Look!”
Taking the binoculars, Klaire took a look and smiled. “James, go wake up Alex.” She said.
Nodding, he rushed off to find the snoozing meta.
Alex yawned as James woke him up “did we arrive?”
Ami was looking ready to jump out of the plane as she was. With how she was excitedly bouncing around, her falling out by accident wasn't out of the question.
Klaire grabbed onto Ami to keep her from falling out by accident. “Wait until we’re low enough.” She instructed.
“Look at how big she is.” Ami pointed downwards, obviously at her sister. “Are we low enough yet?”
“Lets not comment on her size once we’re there,” Klaire said as they got low enough.
James gave Alex a quick nod before returning to the girls. He picked up Ami and told her to hang on as he jumped down and landed by the group with her. “Hey, guys!” He called out.
Klaire followed, looking over the group. There wasn’t anyone that looked to be MegaCorp, except Cook, but she knew him from his face alone. “Tzeitel!” She called, rushing toward her friend.
“K-Klaire?!” Tzeitel screamed, wondering if it was a hallucination after all of this time. She stumbled in the snow towards her.
Cook jumped slightly and went to Tzeitel, trying to help her. “Careful,” He said as they made their way toward Klaire. The dog eared woman rushed over to them, quickly pulling her friend into a gentle hug.
“You’re alive! Thank God, you’re alive!” She said, the tears that she’d been holding for months finally spilling over and down her face. “I was so worried!”
Tzeitel hugged Klaire back, also bursting into tears. She was crying so hard she could not even speak. The babies kicked Klaire.
James set Ami down as he approached, but kept his distance, taking note of everyone. “A lot of you got out.” He said.
Klaire grimaced and pulled back. “Those kids are kickers, huh?” She asked.
Tzeitel looked away, flushing with shame. She desperately wished she was not pregnant. She hunched up her shoulders. “Sorry…”
“For what?” Klaire was confused and turned toward Ami. “Come on!” She chimed.
Cook set a hand on Tzeitel’s shoulder. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Tzeitel…”
Tzeitel’s throat was too tight to speak. She flinched from Cook’s hand.
Ami looked at her sister. The meeting was not going how she had expected it to go.
Cook pulled his away quickly. “Sorry,” He muttered.
Klaire held her hand out for Ami, but her attention was soon pulled away when the door to the building broke open and Shiro was thrown out. He hit the ground, bounced off, and landed again. His entire body was smoking as he let out a pained groan.
Thrane stepped out and looked toward the group, a bored expression on his face. “Such a disappointment that boy is…” His gaze fell on Tzeitel and a strange smirk formed on his face. “Your friends are back, I see…”