Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Thrane Heinrich

View character profile for: James Brown

View character profile for: Kalahan Cook

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Ami Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nero Karterson

View character profile for: Nine

View character profile for: Haven

View character profile for: Slither

View character profile for: Shiro Heinrich
Freedom Jet
“No…” Tzeitel’s voice was a tired whimper. She looked at her friends, eyes scared and desperate. “Please…”
Riley stepped forward placing himself between the others and Thrane. “Get them on board,” he told Loreen before facing Thrane.
Tzeitel tried waddling towards the jet, but her balance was off by the kicking babies and snow.
Ami looked to Klaire, scared and not sure what to do.
Klaire growled. “Get her to the jet!” She ordered to Cook and raised her rifle towards Thrane. “Bastard, you’re not taking them back!”
Thrane merely smiled as he watched Nine and Cook help Tzeitel toward the jet. Nero grabbed up Loreen and Yule, using his armor to grab up Haven so she wouldn’t have to worry about touching anyone.
“Hey, put me down!” Loreen yelled as she was carried toward the jet. “Riley, you better get on this fucking jet or so help me, I will kick your ass!”
Shiro, however, was struggling to his feet, coughing out blood. “R…run…”
“Klaire go” he whispered so only she could hear “I'll hold him off.”
Ami scrambled around in the snow, helping the others get Tzeitel on the jet then back to Klaire, her little gun in hand. “I can try to get him in the head.”
“No, we need to go,” Klaire told Ami. “This bastard is…he has a shield!” She growled again and took a shot at Thrane. The bullet bounced off just mere millimeters from him as he walked toward them. “Come on, Ami! Come!” Grabbing the younger of the dark eyed girls by the hand, she pulled her toward the jet. “Come on, Riley! Loreen will kill me if you don’t get on this jet!”
Thrane merely smiled before using his power to slam Shiro right into Riley. “Yes, go…” He taunted.
Riley glared at the man “one day I will kill you” he growled waiting for the others to board before joining them with Shiro on his back as the jet took off.
Ami almost pouted at not getting to shoot Thrane. The girl had become bloodthirsty. She got back on the jet with Klaire.
Tzeitel was struggling to not throw up. Apparently she did not enjoy flying while pregnant.
James was at the front, yelling for the pilot to get them out of there.
Klaire closed the door after Riley finally got on and grimaced. “I worry Nero’s weight might be an issue…” She grumbled.
Shiro groaned in pain, coughing up more blood that got all over poor Riley.
Ami got Tzeitel a barf bag. Tzeitel stared at this smaller version of herself. She had read about Ami in that letter from Klaire, but it did not prepare her…
“Hold on tight we're leaving” the pilot replied as he got them out of there.
Riley brought Shiro over to Loreen as Alex brought over a med kit. Tearing off the upper part of the blood covered jumpsuit he tossed it out the door before shutting it and finding a place to sit by himself.
Haven was very careful to not touch or even brush up against anyone as she stayed near Yule. She looked like she wanted to hide.
Ami was having a hard time not staring at her sister herself. Tzeitel’s belly was huge, she looked ready to pop, Ami could actually see the outlines of hands and feet pressing outwards. It was fascinating. But she also noticed that unlike every other pregnant woman Ami had ever met, Tzeitel did not hold her belly to feel the kicks, in fact Tzeitel looked like she would leave her belly if she could. Tzeitel did not want them. Tzeitel’s eyes were troubled and haunted. Ami fidgeted with the random stuff in her pocket.
Klaire was with Tzeitel, an arm around her shoulders as she helped her sit and get comfortable. “You're safe now. You're free.” She whispered to her friend before looking at Ami. “Come over. It's okay.”
Ami sat at Klaire’s other side because she could see that Tzeitel was overwhelmed.
Tzeitel looked at Klaire, touching her scarred neck, it would be a while before those cuts from the collar healed, Tzeitel looked terrified. All the excitement had the babies moving around and Tzeitel wished she could get a minute when she could forget they were there. She gave Klaire a desperately pleading look. “It’s not over.” She whispered.
Klaire smiled softly, giving Tzeitel that motherly look she used to always give her when they worked together. “I know and we’ll be here with you to help every step of the way from now on.” She said soothingly and gently touched Tzeitel’s stomach. Rubbing her hand along the roundness, she hummed softly to both the children and Tzeitel. It was how she used to calm children locked up in cages.
Tzeitel’s back stiffened and she stared at Klaire’s hand. “I can’t do this.” She whispered, fighting down panic.