Characters in this post

View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: James Brown

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Ami Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nine
Friends Are Here (Part 1)
“Yes, you can.” Klaire reassured her. “Tzeitel, you always forget just how strong you are.” Pulling her hand away, she looked toward Ami. “Both you and your sister here are so strong. No matter what you go through, you never let it stop you from fighting back. These children will come into a world with a strong mother that will make them just as strong.”
“Klaire, I c-can’t.” Tzeitel didn’t always stutter, this was something that started after Canestone. She looked like she wanted to ask Klaire something but didn’t know how and was being held back by more than just the stutter.
Ami tilted her head, and stood up. “I’m going to find something to eat.” She said and left the two.
Klaire watched Ami go before returning her attention to Tzeitel. “It's okay,” She said softly. “Take your time to get the words out. No one is rushing you.”
Tzeitel leaned on Klaire, tears streaming from her eyes. The baby closest to Klaire pressed their hand against her. Tzeitel winced when she felt what the baby was doing but at least she did not apologize for it this time. “I c-can’t be a m-mother to these b-babies. I don’t w-w-w-want them.” Tzeitel felt like a horrible person admitting it to Klaire, even without going into how many times she tried to abort over the last nine months, even risking her own life, later attempting to take her own life multiple times after the pregnancy was too far along to abort. She wore long sleeves but the scars on her wrist were visible, the rope scars from being bound but also from the time she made a shiv and slit her own wrists- how she hated the medics who saved her just to continue being tortured and pregnant. “I won’t be like my p-par-parents but k-kids can t-tell when they’re n-not w-wanted. It’s not f-fair f-for them to h-have me as a m-mother.” There was a hint of pleading in Tzeitel’s voice.
“I'll be their mother for you,” Klaire said without thinking, her face quickly flushing. Everyone, Tzeitel included, knew she couldn't have children. After a terrible miscarriage and infection Loreen had had no choice but to remove her uterus and ovaries to save her life. “I'll love them, care for them…I'll gladly do that for you, Tzeitel. You're my best friend, like a sister.”
“Thank you.” Tzeitel hugged Klaire tight and nearly went limp with relief. The babies seemed to be reaching for Klaire. “I’d like to be their aunt. You were always good with kids. Like Ami… how long have you had her? My parents, did they…?”
“Hmmm, a few months now. When James and I infiltrated one of the facilities while searching for you and Riley, we found some documents on you. They mentioned Ami and had an address and everything, so I went there.” Klaire explained as she gently put her hand where the babies little hands seemed to be at. “She’s a very smart girl and her powers are extraordinary, but I’ve had to help her limit herself. If she consumes too much information at once she risks straining her mentality.”
Tzeitel awkwardly sat back while Klaire felt the babies moving, but she was calming down. Tears were still running. Tzeitel had a lot of excuses to be emotional and crying. “She looks happy. My fucking parents, having another kid after selling me ot MegaCorp… the fuckers.”
“I’m glad I saved her when I did.” Klaire admitted as she watched Tzeitel. “I made sure they…uh…won’t be having any other children ever again.” She glanced away, hoping her friend understood the meaning.
Tzeitel closed her eyes, remembering how they beat her as a child, how scared and angry she was. She imagined Ami in that same situation before opening her eyes. “Good.”
Ami returned with a tray of food and drink. She had learned a bit about pregnant women struggling with nausea and had gotten food and drinks to help combat that, crackers, ginger ale, tea. She had brought enough food for herself and Klaire too.
Tzeitel looked at the tray, tensing a little. “I haven’t eaten anything solid in months.” She whispered, just loud enough for Klaire to hear. But her stomach made a hungry growl. “They…” Tzeitel trailed off at her stomach’s growl. She did not want to talk about the force feeding yet anyways.
“Take small bites.” Klaire suggested. “You can take your time to chew and swallow. There’s no rush, but you’re obviously hungry.” She let out a soft laugh and stroked Ami’s hair in a loving manner. “You always know how to help.”
Ami smiled, setting the tray down. She quietly read the changes in Tzeitel and Klaire. She already guessed what had been decided while she was getting the food.
Tzeitel sipped on some water and nibbled on a cracker. It was not as easy as it looked..
Klaire smiled. “You’re doing great, Tzeitel.” She said encouragingly.
Tzeitel ate a bit. She was keeping it down but did not want to overdo it. She sleepily looked at Klaire. They still had a lot to talk about, but right now Tzeitel just wanted to sleep.
Able to tell her friend was tired, Klaire moved aside and helped Tzeitel lay down. With gentle care, she tucked the blanket Cook had given her friend around her before taking the tray and sitting back down. She nibbled on some of the snacks, but her mind was obviously occupied by other things. All her constant worries over her best friend were horrifying true and she had no way of knowing what kind of future that would mean for them all, especially Tzeitel. The poor woman didn’t want children, yet here she was, almost nine months pregnant.
“We’re here for you.” She whispered in promise.
Of course Tzeitel had to shift, roll and adjust a lot before she was comfortable enough to fall asleep, her head resting against Klaire. A faint smile flickered across her face at Klaire’s promise.
Ami ate some of the food as she quietly watched her sister sleep. Tzeitel was covered in the blanket and dressed for the cold but Ami could see quite a few scars and the pain in her face even in sleep. “She’s going to give you the babies?” Ami asked softly.
Klaire merely nodded as she brushed Tzeitel’s hair aside. “I want to help any way I can and…she knows I want children, but can’t have any of my own.” She explained.
“You're a good Mom.” Ami said. “Is she going to be okay?”
“I’m not sure, Ami. I’m really not sure.” Klaire answered honestly as she looked at Tzeitel.
Ami's eyes brimmed with tears. “She needs to eat more than she has been eating. And those scars...”
At least Tzeitel was getting the first decent sleep she had gotten in months.
Klaire gazed at the scars, guilt and shame eating away at her. She hated that she hadn’t been able to get her best friend out sooner.
“I… I think she did some of them to herself.” Ami said in a small voice. Her sister had tried to kill herself at least once, but probably more than once.
“I know, but we should just let her rest for now.” Klaire explained softly.
Ami nodded sadly.