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View character profile for: Colt Westerly

View character profile for: Piritta Mirja Toivonen
Our Favorite Finn (Pt 8)
“Joo, totta kai I look good.” Piritta said comfortably. “Can I drive now?”
“Not my car. No one drives this car but me…” Colt explained as he watched her. He tried not to let his gaze linger too long on Piritta, but he was a man and he hadn’t been with a woman since…well, before he died. Would this make him a virgin now that his body was all new? He didn’t know, but he still remembered the few girls he’d been with in MegaCorp. They all had been rather experienced and taught him the best ways to please a woman, but still.
He didn’t want to think about it, especially since he kept imagining Piritta in one of those elegant outfits. It made him feel disgusting.
“Are you hungry? We can go get something.” He offered.
“Joo. Some food would be good.” Piritta said. “I think Wendy’s has a new frosty flavor I haven't tried yet.”
“Okay,” Colt said as he reached into the backseat and grabbed a hat. Using it to hide his ears, he dug around in some of the stolen things, finding some cash that guy left behind. It was more than enough to pay for a few meals so he took it and got comfortable in the driver's seat again.
Putting the car into gear again, Colt drove along the road to find the nearest Wendy’s just for Piritta. “I'll get you whatever you want.” He said, blushing a bit. Why was he talking like he was her boyfriend?
“Minulla on omat rahani.” Piritta picked up her jeans and pulled out some bills.
“No, I want to pay.” Colt told her, shaking his head gently. “You deserve something nice.” Blushing, he looked away as they pulled up to a Wendy’s and he ordered a meal. Looking at Piritta, he asked, “What all do you want, aside from a frosty.” He’d make the order for her once she told him.
“En tiedä.” The only things she only cared about from Wendy's were the Frostys. “One of their square burgers with cheese and bacon.” She shrugged.
“If that’s what you want,” Colt said with a genuine smile to her before he made the order. After paying, he got their food and made sure it was all correct, handing Piritta her frosty before he parked the car in a space for them to relax a bit. He would slowly eat his food, savoring every bite since he never knew when he’d get this again.
“So,” He said and looked toward the Finnish woman. “Why were you out there in the wild all alone?”
“To keep MegaCorp away from my family.” PIritta said, a rare sober moment. She looked down into her frosty.
“I hate MegaCorp…” Colt growled. “They ruin everything for everyone. My family has moved out of the country to avoid them, but…” He got stuck. He was here because he’d gotten caught.
“Joo. Vittu MegaCorp.” Piritta said, stealing one of Colt’s fries to attack her frosty with.
Colt chuckled, not minding. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” He said without thinking before his face flushed. “Uh…sorry, I just…I mean…” He bit into his sandwich to shut himself up.
“Joo, I’m good looking and I know it.” Piritta said, no false modesty for her. “Even with all this.” She lightly flicked her own crooked ear and gestured at the mess of scars left by the car accident that killed her parents. She should have died with them.
Colt took note of the scars, his mind wondering how she was alive. “I don’t want to pry, so you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but how did you get those scars?” He asked.
“Car accident.” PIritta’s voice was tight in a way it was never tight. “It was snowing. My parents didn’t make it.”
Colt went silent, frowning at the road. “You're a survivor. Let's make sure you keep being that way.” He said softly, thinking of how this meant she had a future. “Maybe you'll be alive to see metas get accepted as people.” He wanted to change the subject, make her feel better. “Anything you want to do?”
Piritta did not even think very long about it. “Scratch your back and see what your tail does.”
“Can it wait until we stop somewhere to rest?” Colt asked, worried it might distract him from his driving. He really didn’t want to get them into an accident for fear of hurting Piritta.
“Fine.” Piritta sighed, disappointment in her eyes.
“We can stop soon,” Colt told her. “I promise.” Why did he hate disappointing her so much?
After a few more minutes he pulled the mustang off into a camping site and parked it for them. Cutting off the engine, he unbuckled and looked at her. “Okay, now you can scratch me. I just didn't want to risk me falling asleep at the wheel on ya.”
Piritta smiled, reaching over to scratch Colt’s back and watching his tail.
Colt’s tail instantly flicked and he let out an involuntary purr, closing his eyes. It felt nice to have his back scratched, lulling him into a comfort he hadn’t experienced in years.