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View character profile for: Thrane Heinrich

View character profile for: Gary Canestone
Do NOT Anger Thrane
Thrane sighed heavily as he looked over all the damages. He’d already ordered for repairs and was walking down the hallway, stopping at Canestone’s room. Opening the door, he stepped inside and looked at the man still hanging on the wall. “Do you want down?” He asked in a monotonous voice.
“Ye-eh-eh-essss.” Canestone sobbed.
“Then will you cooperate?” Thrane inquired further.
Canestone nodded, still sobbing.
“Get him down,” Thrane gestured to some guards who got to work. “You are going to get to work once you’re cleaned up and dressed. Understand? Come to my office for your assignment once you’re done. Bella will be waiting in there for you.”
Canestone sniveled as he did as he was told, getting washed up without having the least bit of fun with himself in the shower. Then he got dressed and went to Thrane’s office.
Bella barked the moment she saw Canestone and padded her way over, tail wagging as she looked up at him.
“Good, you’re clean.” Thrane said as he slid a few files across the desk for Canestone to look over. “Your favorite plaything is free and I want you to get her back for me. Get her sister while you’re at it, but kill the others.”
He made it very clear in the papers to terminate James, Mark, Klaire and anyone else aiding Tzeitel. The bastard wanted the pheromone user to know there was no hope for her. “And no fucking them!”
“If they’re dead how does it matter?” Canestone asked, looking at the picture of Klaire and moving his fingers over her breasts, patting Bella on the head with his free hand.
“You disobey me and I’ll have that chip I planted in your fucking head turn your brain into mush and cause your head to explode like fucking fireworks.” Thrane stated.
Canestone’s shoulders slumped. He did not see why he could not fuck them, if they were to be killed anyways. He looked at James’s picture. He’d like to use James and Klaire in front of each other before killing them.
Thrane knew that look. “I have eyes everywhere, Canestone. Don't piss me off again.”
Bella panted happily, oblivious to all.
“I'm a man. I have needs.” Canestone said in a wheedling tone.
“And I own you.” Thrane’s voice became a snarl for a moment as he activated the chip in Canestone to cause him excruciating pain. “Do not anger me.”
Canestone fell to the floor, screaming with pain. He pissed himself. He writhed in the puddle.
Bella basically hopped away on all fours and watched Canestone, letting out a worried whine.
“Don’t sympathize a weakling, Bella.” Thrane growled as he stood up and pressed a button on his desk. A few guards with odd helmets walked in. Those helmets were attached to heavy duty gas masks that went to tanks on their backs. “Lock him up in solitary and find me that piss ant, Urbanus. There’s some cleaning up needing done in this shit hole.”
It was not going to be pretty for any of the guards in this facility…
Canestone would be picked up by the guards and carried off to a shower where he would be washed like an animal by them. The water was icy cold as they sprayed him down with it after stripping him of all clothing.
Canestone whined. “That's too cold!”