Here's your Answer

(OOC- The idea for this character struck me when I thought, I should make an all knowing character, and what race, obviously human or elven right? Nope, Goblin... So yeah thx)
"That's how the gods made them." Replied the goblin.
"Please expand." Grumbled Artem.
"They are built to taunt us, tease us, and to empower us. By doing this, it gives us the strive to improve. Without improvement, we can't succeed, have you ever seen a peasent boy swing a wooden sword and kill a dragon?" Added Bungo.
"No?" Replied Artem.
"Exactly, he can only do so by training, by improving. To me, the complexity of a woman forces us to impoverished ourselves, and thus become better." Concluded Bungo.
"As well, may I inquire why you have such an inquiry for the opposite sex? Is love on your mind?" Asked Bungo.

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