Caught in the act.

Mousvin crossed the room dodging from hiding spot to hiding spot trying to remain unnoticed. He was part way in the room when he knew for sure the cells in the room were occupied. In the first cell someone was laying in the bed so he managed to pass by unnoticed. In the second cell the occupant had their back turned to the room hunched over a small table working on something.

He moved from hiding spot to hiding spot, and had made it almost all the way to the far wall of the room when he heard someone speak to him.

"Pssh..." "Hey you there? What are you?"

Mousvin froze. A moment of fear shot through him then he realized he must be safe. The voice was curious but not threatening, on the other hand it might be an invisible wizard deciding whether or not to cast a spell on him. Slowly he looked around, and saw that the voice had come from the third cell. A blonde man sat in the cell watching him curiously.

Mousvin glanced towards the other two cells. The occupants of those cells still seemed not to have noticed him. He took a few steps closer to third cell. The blonde man seemed to be mostly harmless and for the moment he was behind bars. "Hello," he tried to soundly friendly but it came out rather nervous. He wasn't surprised the man had never seen a Brownie before. His people rarely left there villages or the forest. "I'm a Brownie." he announced proudly. From the look on the man in the cells face that proclamation hadn't exactly cleared things up.

Just then Mousvin heard the door to the laboratory begin to open. He weighed his options quickly. This man was clearly a prisoner here he would have to trust he wouldn't expose him to the other giants in the room. He dashed into cell diving between the blonde mans feet. He looked up at him "Hide me?"

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