Intimate affairs

Trying to catch her breath she hunched over and balanced herself by putting her hands on her knees. Clearing her throat, her grey eyes looked at the hooves which blurred from the lack of oxygen getting to her brain. Putting up a finger, she took another moment before trying to respond. “I didn’t miss you, I missed your horse. I got hungry and decided to take back my promise.” Swallowing the excess fear that had lingered in her mouth, she looked over her shoulder in the direction of the forest.

Placing her hand on the shoulder of the horse, she looked back up at him. “Do you mind asking my name before you ask me to ride with you? After all, sitting so closely can be a rather intimate affair.” Pushing her hair over her shoulder, she breathed in one more calming breath before standing up straight. Lifting the skirt of her dress, she revealed her leg up to mid-thigh, before returning the dagger to its proper place.

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