
Once the story was complete, Horo smiled. "Very good. That earned you the third bulb." he said. "If you want to keep looking feel free." he told her looking at that store behind her. "And don't worry if you are keeping what you are a secret it is safe with me." he told her. "I just know people, you don't have the look of a vampire, and a demigod wouldn't shop her. You are not an elf because your ears which lead me to know what you were. Prompting me to warn you about the iron that is within my shop." Horo told her. As he commented on the scope of his store he gave a chuckle "They don't call me Horo Inu for nothing. Been just about everywhere you can imagine. I enjoy getting this stuff even if I don't sell most of it. One day you may not even be able to walk through the shop."

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