Finding Family

What brought her brother, or well, stepbrother, to the village of Rohan, Auriel did not yet know, but she knew what brought her there. She was going to have a chat with one of her kin, and hopefully this one would have the sense to listen to her.

Rohan was an interesting village, which she doubted her stepbrother knew yet. Due to its proximity to the Neutral Zone, Rohan had been a base of Rising Star operations since before the Fall of Mizulse. The villagers did a good job concealing their knowledge of the rebel group, and members of the Rising Star themselves were trained early on how to be inconspicuous and stealthy. So far, the authorities of Dalen were unaware of the rebel's presence in Rohan, or if they were, they hadn't done anything about it yet.

When Auriel first heard about the attacks on the slavers, she made a beeline to Rohan, which housed the base nearest to where the attacks had been reported. She had actually been about to deploy scouts to start searching the region for him when one of the new recruits claimed to have seen a girl that she been enslaved with wander into Rohan with a guy. Although this guy looked different then what her stepbrother had been reported as looking like, Auriel decided go meet the freed slave and see if she knew of her stepbrother's whereabouts if nothing else.

After questioning some villagers about the whereabouts of the visitors, Auriel made her way to the inn where they were last reported to have been seen. Upon walking in, she scanned the scene and quickly noticed the girl that had been reported to have been travelling with her stepbrother. The girl was sitting with a man and together, they seemed to be reviewing a map.

The inn started to quiet down as people took notice of Auriel's arrival. Her face and reputation were well known to the people of Rohan, so if she was here for business, things were bound to get interesting.

Auriel approached the man and the rescued slave. They did not seem to notice her coming until she said, "Hello strangers, you seem to be lost. What brings you to Rohan?"

As the man looked up at her, she saw a spark in his eye, the same spark she had seen in her younger stepbrother, Talin's eyes when she had first met him. It was the spark of recognition, for Auriel's figure greatly resembled that of their mother, Aello. Auriel knew then that this man was her newest brother, and a smile broke across her face.

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