Very Well

Listening as they both have their permission to be helped, Gularzob nodded before speaking, "Alright, well follow me if you will. We can't go back out that way, any prying eyes that saw us enter will wonder why we left the same way."

Turning to face the opposite end of the alleyway, he started walking down it, carefully nudging the woman's feet to cause her to draw in her feet to make way for the horse. When she complied, he knelt down beside her and pulled out his coin purse. Slipping three silver coins our, he placed them gently on her lap before whispering, "Thank you. And get yourself some food and water with that."

Standing up, he glanced to make sure the others were following him before going to the end of the alley way and speaking, "It's not much further once we turn right. But, I will need to stop by the orphans at the corner to hire a runner, so just wait or keep walking. I will catch up, and if I don't in time, my store has an entrance on this side as well. Nugbu's Steel. Wait by the door." With that, he went around the corner and blended into the pedestrian traffic semi-well as he walked over to a group of orphans at a corner.

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