Strange Lollies

(OOC- Welcome to the game, rentiger1. Perhaps Kline can meet Horo and Kalena at the gambling house, or Kalena out and about? I'm at loose ends with her at the moment.)

Orla selected a couple of seed packets from the shelf along with the bracelet she fancied, and brought them over to Horo. She didn't have a lot of coin on her, but she thought she probably had enough for the seeds. If she didn't have enough for the bracelet she could at least find out how much it cost and come back for it another day.

"This should be everything for now. Amazonian sunflower and Lavender Larkspur seeds, and this," she said, setting it all down on the counter. She curiously eyed the strange lollies he was eating. "The expanded section of the garden is about fifteen cubits long and three cubits wide, for most of its length." She smiled at his other question about potions. "I don't plan on making any, no, but if I can propagate the blue roses I might brew some rose tea with them."

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