Moving on Without Sabina

"So, what's the plan now? And why did you want to keep that guy?"

"The plan now is for me to find a place where I can rest. From there, I'll try to use the wraith to help us figure out where we are. As for the guy, there are a few things he should be useful for. Firstly, I can practice some spells on him. Secondly, he should have a lot of blood in him still, so he can be a food source for you."

Seeing Gareth's excited look, Ceriden raised a finger. "One thing before you have at him, though. I can't afford to get a new shirt for you every time you feed. You need to learn how to control yourself when you feed. My recommendation is to take just enough of his blood to satiate your thirst. From there, I'll try to turn him into a zombie, and he'll accompany us on our journey. If you don't take all of his blood in the first sitting, you should be able to get a couple of meals out of him."

Ceriden returned to Sabina's bag and pulled out the book. A smile came over his face as he looked at the cover. Galathus Kelmoran's Introduction to Spirit Theory and Necromancy. An uninspiring title to be sure, but this book was going to lead Ceriden to greatness, he could feel it. He felt bad about betraying Sabina, but for this, his betrayal had been worthwhile.

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