Late Night Talk

“Ok, I suppose, if you are sure you want that rowdy bunch in your home.” Kline said nodding his head in the direction of the other men. His eyes caught the firelight as he looked at her, his dark skin even darker in the dim light that lit the forest. The leather armor he had on was loosened and the jacket opened, the buckles hanging loose, the while shirt he had on under it was spotted with blood and sweat. “If you have a bath I am sure the guys and I would love it. It is always nice to wash the road off after a long trip.” He paused a moment. “Your… eh… husband or lover or whatever would not mind?” He asked carefully.

His eyes had started to adjust to the darkness now and he could make out her figure. She made no noise as she moved, it was like she was not real. Somehow alluring and unnerving at the same time, she moved as though she were some wraith or something. Her training, he suspected, and thought there was more here than meets the eye.

“And you are right, we are getting folk in here from all sorts of places, and planes.” He said and watched her. “I thank you for forgiving my manners, just the same, I should not have been so gruff. Comes from being a soldier, you know, you just want to call it as you see it, no diddling around with lies and other such nonsense.” The words seemed to carry a bit more meaning then the others, as if lies and other deceptions should be beneath him. “Thank you, for the save. You personally came to help me when you saw me go down. I might be in worse off shape then I am if not for you. So, I guess I owe you one.” He made a motion to give her a soft punch in the arm, a little bit of camaraderie.

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