Be Assertive!

Ceriden placed the tome back into the bag, and only then did he see Gareth standing near the spy with a look of apprehension on his face. A little confused by Gareth's apparent trepidation, Ceriden remarked, "If you're thirsty, drink. All I ask is that you try not to make a mess, but now is the time to make mistakes. If you're worried you'll get some blood on yourself, dear Sabina left some dresses in her bag for us that you can put over your current garments that will hopefully absorb the stuff you do drip."

Ceriden took a closer look at Gareth's posture and expression, noting the submissive and almost... defeated vibe that Gareth was giving off. Carefully, Ceriden said, "You know I am not your master, right? I want to help you and take care of you, but I can't read your mind. If you want something or need something, you're going to have to tell me. I... I would like you to feel comfortable talking to me. While I have studied vampirism in the past, that doesn't mean I completely understand what you are going through. Our relationship is going to work out best if we are open with one another, and if that means risking the other's judgement, then so be it."

(OOC - last question, hopefully, about the bag's contents: Did Sabina leave any coin in it?)

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