The Secret

Mar felt a massive weight lift off of him upon hearing Peren forgive him for what he'd done. He still felt t guilt, but it was further away than it had been before. He lowered his head. "I'm... thank you..." Then he looked up. "But you're right about Serenity... I am sure there will be a time when she will be ready to know the truth, but now is not the time..." He felt a bitter taste in the back of his throat from saying that. Now that he knew the truth, that he had killed her master, the very thing that set her on this path in the first place, he felt an obligation to tell her. Yet Peren was insisting on keeping it a secret. Mar wanted to tell her... yet Peren was right. There was a time and a place to tell Serenity. Now was not that time.

"However... I still don't think I can do this alone. I don't know the ways of the Light Side of the Force... I need help..."

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