Music of The Crystal

“ my master abandoned me, and why would you an inquisitor help me” she asked.

"Because I'm not an inquisitor. Not anymore." Mar said has he helped Serenity drink.

Confusion and distrust written on her face. She could hear her kiber calling out. This suprized her it had been years two in fact since she had heard the voice of her kyber crystal. “ I did not know it would ever sing again” she said completely stuns and distracted. True the song from the crystal was distrust but she had not heard the sone since master paren had been killed.

Mar regarded the faint sensation he picked up from the crystal with mild amusement. Kyber crystals were always an oddity. Though his own crystal was a synthetic one, it simply served its purpose as part of his lightsaber and nothing more, the crystals of the jedi he'd slain over the years all had their quirks. Granted he'd never heard one sing before.

“ I have not heard that since master Paren we killed by one of you” she growled and tryed to push him away. “ if put two masters in danger my first is dead and the second has abandoned me if you think you can use me to help you kill more Jedi. You should just let me die because I won’t help you” she said trying to push the staring man away. Only to put her hands over her ears and her kyber’s song became a high pitched screech in her ears. As she forced calm the crystal song returned to her ears.

Serenity's feeble attempts to shove him were fruitless, she was still too weak after all. Yet Mar decided to back off as it was clear this girl was agitated by his presence. Then her saber's crystal let out a sort of shriek. To Mar it was merely a reverberation in The Force, yet it was clear to him that it was more than that for the girl. When the crystal calmed he looked to Serenity with slight amusement. After a moment of silence he finally spoke.

"I'm not here to kill you or any jedi." He said. "I've left that life behind in the hopes of maybe making some sort of amends for the crimes I committed in the name of The Emperor. Like helping wayward padawans without a master." He stood up and offered his hand to her. "Come on. My ship isn't far, you still need to rest and the trip to the settlement isn't an easy one, especially in your condition. When you're well we can head into town."

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