Lady of the Winter Sea - Part 05

Ursa Blacksong - Mid-Autumn of 113 YSTR

Castle D’oir - Winterlunde

While the storm had passed by the 4th day it took another three days before the roads were once more suitable for travel at which point the coach arrived to collect them from the Inn. From there it took another half day’s travel to reach the Duchesses Castle located in the high mountains north of the port city.

Castle D’ior as the name implied was a wonder to behold. The central structure made of marble white stone standing at an impressive five stories high with a central tower reaching to a full eight. Its long central yard divided into an upper and lower courtyards flanked on either side by a pair of smaller buildings known as the Lords and Ladies Manors.

Upon departing the coach Ursa was greeted by a the ladies butler who lead her and Kristov inside while a pair of able bodied footman saw to their belongings. From there they were lead to the fourth floor to a grand hall where one of the Duchesses Lady-in-waiting greeted them.

“I can go no further my Lady.” Kristov informed Ursa as the lady in waiting disappeared into the room beyond. “The Duchess does not tolerate men in her company unless it's a family member or trusted advisor. Even a Knight such as myself who has served the family since my youth is rarely allowed in her company unless there is need or she commands it.”

“Truely?” Ursa questioned aloud. “Can you tell me why?”

Kristov shook his head. “It is not something I can speak of but you will understand why shortly.”

Ursa was not given time enough to reflect on what Kristov had said as the Lady-in-waiting returned and motioned for Ursa to follow.

The chamber beyond was a vast tropical garden enclosed within glass walls with a striking view of the snow covered mountains beyond. The garden itself a wonder of flowering plants and lush green tree’s covering all sides with the central area a green lawn featuring a white gazebo where tea was being served by another pair of ladies in waiting.

“Ursa Blacksong, Priestess of the Black Order. How I have looked forward to this meeting with one, so alike to myself.”

Ursa’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of the Duchess as the woman stepped forward from the shadows of trees in the far corner of the room. A lady of mixed blood like Ursa herself though clearly sired from a union between mortal and some luminous being of old which Ursa could not even hope to guess.

“I am half-elven much like yourself.” The Duchess offered as she drew closer. “ Though what bloodline of elf I am a descendant from I could not hope to say given my mother never really spoke of her people much beyond a few passing words.”

Ursa for her part nodded her understanding. “ To be honest my Lady, I could not and would not even dare to guess for fear of not doing you proper justice. There are not words I could use that would do you justice, my Lady.“

The Duchess smiled nodding her agreement. “ You flatter me, priestess but I can see you are unmoved.”

The Duchess of Winterlunde was indeed a vision of striking beauty with long golden hair and lips as red as blood coupled with an unnatural grace to her movements that made even Ursa feel the lesser to simply being in her presence. That said, Ursa was not moved by this … The Duchess was beautiful without question but the glamor of that beauty held no sway over Ursa and her thoughts.

The lady seemingly found amusement in that fact Ursa was unmoved by her beauty in the way others might have been. The Dutchess nodding her approval. “ Truly a blessing and a curse to be sure, I trust that you understand now why we must meet this way, Priestess?”

Ursa nodded. “ I had heard rumors but to be honest I would never have guessed this was why.”

The Dutchess nodded her understanding.

“Misinformation and tall tales mostly. My husband was like yourself, his mixed blood protecting him from the effects of all this. “ She motioned to herself with her hand.” That said his kin were not so blessed and a duel between my husband and an envious cousin on our wedding day was the result. It was decided afterwards that it would be best for our family to relocate here to the Winterlunde’s rather than remain on the mainland and risk discord amongst our peers.”

“So why summon me here?” Ursa thought to ask.


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