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View character profile for: Sir Arc
Moving Along
Posted byPosted: Sep 2, 2023, 8:14pm
Seeing as he was on his own now he sold the weapons he collected and bought some food from a stall. Then he eventually found an inn to stay in for the night. Once he was inside his room he locked the door and removed his helmet and cast a cleaning spell on himself since he didn't have access to a bath. Then he relaxed as he ate his food and wondered what he should do next. He needed to see a map to figure out where he was and he needed a job to pay for food and lodging. Maybe he would have some luck the next day if he asked around the city. He preferred to avoid any troublesome people like noblemen along the way since he was still hiding his face.
The next day Arc when out to the town and made his way to a stall for breakfast which was grilled meat and veggies on a skewer. This made it easier to eat with his helmet on since he was avoiding having his face seen in the public. Eventually after asking around he managed to learn he was in indeed the country called Austarlande, which is part of Winterlunde. Winterlunde was an island made up of four main countries called Austarlande, Sundarlande, Vestarlande and Nordarlande. Each country had it nobles, merchants, soldiers and citizens. To the north was the Ice Sea and to the south was Winter Sea when traveling by boat. Sadly none of this helped poor Arc in learning how he ended up here in the first place. He also found it odd he could only remember his name and profession at this point. Anyone he tried to recall from the past seemed to have a blurred face and a voice that sounded muffled.
Granted it was frustrating but Arc was glad he was technically alive for now. Since he could feel, get hungry and think he knew he was not some simple undead skeleton. He was guessing he was under some kind of curse since he still had his sense and appetite. After buying some much needed supplies he made plans to leave the city and save some money camping in the forest while hunting his own food. Of course the main reason was he wanted to eat without hiding his face for a change. It was only a matter of time before people got curious as to why he was hiding his face from the public. As a stranger he needed to avoid getting close to anyone who would not accept him completely.
Once he collected his much needed supplies he made his way out of the city and walked to the forest. Along the way he greeted the guards and hummed a witty song along the way as he nodded side to side. he told them he was going hunting and might be back to sell his spoils unless he ended up in a different city.
The guards seemed amused by Sir Arc as he left them singing an odd song and walked in the direction of the forest. Shortly afterwards a noble's carriage arrived at the front gate and Lady Laulel du Luvurte, the Viscount's daughter, and Lita Barren, her maid exited the carriage as they looked around frantically. They questioned the guards if they had seen a Paladin named Sir Arc and were distraught when they learned he had already left the city a few minutes ago. Lady Laulel du Luvurte was upset since she finally convinced her father to allow her to hire Sir Arc as a personal guard for her. It never occurred to her he would leave in a day. Lady Laulel du Luvurte, her maid Lita Barren and her personal guards had been scouring the city to find Sir Arc and ended up to late as they had missed him. Since they were forbidden to leave the city into the dangerous forest they had little choice but to give up. They told the guards to inform them if Sir Arc ever returned to the city.
Of course Sir Arc was completely oblivious to the crush Lady Laulel du Luvurte had developed for him. Granted she was a pretty noble woman, but he was not ready to deal with being tied down to a stranger with a crush so soon. As he made his way through the forest he looked around and saw some animal tracks which meant he could find dinner along the way. Since he managed to see a rough map of the area and the position of the sun he had a clue as to where he was for now. He planned to head towards the nearby river and follow it to the next city over. Along the way he killed a wild boar and prepped it for dinner over a fire. By adding some seasons and vegetables he managed to get rid to the gamey flavor. He also made some dried smoked jerky with the rest of the meat as he rested for the night. It was nice to relax and eat without his helmet for a good while.
The next day he packed up his gear and began walking towards the river while humming a new tune.