04.24: Dead Girl

Jenny followed the headmistress along on the tour. The fact it was all paid by wealthy benefactors led her to believe they were either extremely generous or they were being blackmailed, not that she cared if they were being blackmailed.

"Thanks for the tour. My most pressing question was answered. One that really seemed to set off my recruiter. I do wonder what will be expected of me if I don't take college-level classes. I was never a good student. I was like that kid from your office earlier. Though I never got less than a B, thanks to gym, French, and Spanish classes. School was wearisome and monotonous. The thought of going to college for two to four more years was physically painful. In my senior year, I was always just one thing away from dropping out. That undefined thing never happened. I didn't even attend my graduation. On the last day of school as soon as school was out I moved to a bigger city hoping to find the spark that was missing all I found was a horrible apartment and a wearisome and monotonous dead-end job, every day was exactly the same just like when I was in school. That lasted for about a month. Then I won a contest to be an extra in a movie, which eventually evolved into me replacing an actress who raged quit one day. That led to me costarring in another then I was to play the titular role which might have led to a cinematic universe. I loved acting. It was the spark I was looking for. But that all came to a bloody end when my boyfriend murdered me and after I trusted him enough gave him the key to the backdoor."

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