01.05: Allora

The longer she waited, the more her crystals grew. They slowly bled down along the trees and touched along their roots, making a ten foot radius cocoon. She was sure no one would be able to get to her with the thick encasing. All she needed to do was create a flooring and-

The sound of footsteps caught her attention and Allora jerked her attention to the ground where she found one of two males staring up at her. If he were paying enough attention he would note the blood along her legs, the scars that marred them, and the cringing she continued to do. The pain was becoming rather unbearable at this point, but she had to get away.

She could not stop.

"Go away," She called down to them in her soft voice, brown curls falling from her shoulders to hang and flutter in the wind. "I'm not going back!"

With that said, she shifted some of her crystals into a bridge and began to cross, only for a shot of pain to falter her steps. The world was beginning to spin again as she reached out in an attempt to grab for something, anything. Only air was grasped into her palm as she went falling from the tree.

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