16: Nightcrawler - Arrival

Danny was a little hypnotised by the tail at first, it was blue, like its owner. He had already seen one blue person here so he wasn't fazed by another one with exceptional hair. That was blue too.
Danny told Kurt there was no need to apologise as he changed into casual clothes, cargo shorts and t-shirt. "I was on the street for months, so every stitch of clothing I had could not even be recycled. I think they got incinerated."
"Your English is way better than my German Kurt, I only speak English. I know there's a translation app on our phones though." He pulled his issue phone from a pocket and waggled it for Kurt to see. "So I think if we are patient we can get by. You will get one of these too."
Danny thought calling him a demon was more than a little off. "We have demons in Islam but they don't look like you, and are definitely not as polite."
He laughed when Kurt asked about cooking and stopped tying up his Nike sneakers. "I am learning myself, I want to be a chef one day. The chef here said she was willing to teach me in the main kitchens. Though I do have to maintain my grades in school or I do not get to work in the kitchen.
"I am really happy to have a roommate Kurt. I hope you don't mind you are still sharing, I suppose I am a bit of a strongman too."

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