17: Namor McKenzie (By Namor)

"Expectations," Namor thought that was a funny word because all his expectations had been destroyed the moment he found out he was a mutant/ He was no longer on track for the Olympics, no regional swim meets or wrestling scholarships because colleges are screening blood work for gender and mutant confirmation.

"I'm a little bit scared...I lost all my prospects when I found out I'm a mutant. I can't be an athlete. Not with my mutation and I'm too strong for wrestling plus there are the blood tests," Namor sounded a bit disappointed. He explains that all his life he trained to be the best athlete and now he has doubts that any of it was real. He tells Jack that he thinks maybe he was always stronger and faster and that the Doctor just confirmed he was different.

"So now I need to figure out what to do with my life, Guess I could always work for my dad as a lighthouse keeper or maybe do Lobster fishing?" Namor said thinking those options were dull and not very fulfilling.

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