Confession of a Doubting Arbiter III

Voah continued with as much truth as she could, trying not to betray the friends she had made along the way.

“Yes, Purger. I am certain it was an Alossi ship. I recognized the insignia upon the banner. I may have discovered the magikal means by which the ship had been preserved for over a century and a half, but alas, I wanted to find more before I was rid of it…

As for the cultists. While I was in recovery, there were assassins openly attacking citizens, including the son of a Lord Riese and several others. They even breached the sanctuary of Kupen’s shrine. I learned soon after that it was the cult of some old banished God of Helias, known as Slivikhi, the Boar of Winter. They believed that winter would continue unless sacrifices were made. No one had any good leads for me, unless they intentionally withheld the information, and when I sniffed out one individual and confronted the farmer crowd to name the guilty, the people turned on me, claiming I was with the Keep, whom they deeply mistrusted after their first harsh winter in Arcadia.

But I’m getting off track. I was bringing in the cultist for interrogation, but he was spooked when the leader showed, and threw himself upon a blade. Myself and a companion were surrounded by an uncertain number of cultists and both of us recovering from Sentinel Island. The cultist didn’t make it back to the city and the others disappeared into the night.

Eventually, I tracked down another cultist. Before I ended him, he gave up the location of their next sacrifice upon the full moon and by the time I arrived, chaos was ensuing as an alternate group had already assembled to stop the creed. One of them was a soldier investigating from the Keep. She slew their leader as myself and others took down as many of the cultists as we could. When all was over, I continued to clean up any accomplices and there was a mass execution for those who were abetting the cult in and around Ostiarium and I learned that some had managed to escape into the Plains and to Fang.“

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