The Deal

JP with Omni and Lorem:

From the beginning, he never knew the impact of his words on her. Lilliark was an idea. Gonyaul was the spirit of that idea returning to her.

She rose from her sitting position, crawling briefly forward on all fours to place herself atop his lap, taking his face into her hands and planting a delicate kiss on his lips before embracing him in a brief silence.

“Lilliark?” she chuckled softly. “It’s not Mizaran, I… Remember how I said I was a strange child… I… made up my own language... It was gibberish. I just thought of beautiful combination of sounds and Lilliark was fun to say. But when I named her, I was thinking of a word that meant something like mercy or liberation. Free, like the wind… though I didn’t know those words nor fully understand those the concepts then... I feel I’m only just beginning to learn… and so think that forgiveness is another part of that idea. It’s you… it’s always been you. You brought Lilliark back to me.” she touched a hand over her heart.

“You have freed me. That name is special to me and now it too belongs with you.”

Voah’s words made him feel special in a way that edged at overwhelming. It was as if affirmation wove itself into the fibers of his being and overloaded them with belonging. How on earth could he cope with such a feeling, other than to pay it forward from the immense overflow.

He was enamored with the fact she made up the language. He loved that. Her explanation of the origin of the name made it even better.

He welcomed her into his open arms and lap. His arms wrapping around her; there would be no escaping. Her crawl caused him to involuntarily blush. It was remarkable that there was any blood left in his cheeks with all of it racing south. He tried to squirm discreetly beneath her for her comfort.

“Have told you today that adore you? All that am belongs to you.” He leaned forward and placed a yearning kiss upon her lips.

Gonyaul whispered, “Thank you. When find precious thing to us both we name together. Deal?”

He didn’t have to say anything. For these things about him Voah already knew.

“Deal.” she whispered, agreeing to his notion. Then she slowly rose from his lap, careful to nudge her body downward first as a last quick tease. She knew by this point, Gonyaul was saving himself for the marriage. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t tempt him. Could he hold out that long with an Aspect of Hoi bearing down him? Maybe she would have to go easy on him.

She laid down on her side, propping herself up with an elbow. She stifled a yawn with her free hand. Sleep was fast approaching.

As she teased him, Gonyaul leaned his head back and bit his lip to stifle a moan. His eyes nearly rolled backwards. His chest rose and fell slightly more aggressively as he fought to regain his composure.

He was at even more at a disadvantage to physical contact then she realized. The toxins from the plant, used to tattoo his body, had the side effect of increasing the sensitivity of the nerve endings there. And his “entire” body was covered in the hyper stimulating markings; save below the elbows and knees and majority of the upper neck and all of the head.

Even after she moved off of him and laid down, he was still shivering warmly. He felt an unmistakable urge building like a rolling of a tidal wave. Yet, he was a master of breathing. And it took that expertise to slow the building tsunami inside.

Back in control, he joined her on his side. He looked at her with a playful accusing glance, but was at a loss for words having fully shown how susceptible he was to her touch.

“Well, you’ve once again managed to ease my mind, nnn?” she said with a sigh.

“You’ll have to keep me on my best behavior in Holy City with sorcerer priests and an immortal prophetess. No pressure.” she said with levity. She wouldn’t normally joke about such things but the conversation, the incense and drowsiness was getting to her.

Gonyaul smiled. He echoed her yawn moments after he saw hers. The joy of her company, incense, fatigue were causing him to melt into a blissful state. Yet his hips felt like they could drive a pole through rock. Her words ‘no pressure’ made him smirk. He was currently feeling a lot of pressure.

Gonyaul snuggled close. His arm wrapped around her and drew her in. Their legs intertwined. His hips stayed back as a precaution.

“Oh, I keep you alright. And if get out line, I know exactly where to put you.” He flirtatiously added. It had been rare for Gonyaul to speak with seductive assertiveness; however, in his present state he spoke sensually with a confident tone.

The two drifted off to sleep wrapped in a lovers embrace. Voah faded first. Gonyaul took longer to simmer down to a point sleep was an option. While he watched her sleeping he counted his blessings. And when he finally joined her in slumber, there was a smile still left on his face.

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