Travel plans

JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu

Tar drew furiously trying to capture as much of Eastern and Central Arcadia as he could and landmarks. He drew Ostiarium and the Bay of Pearls, Sentinel Island to the South, the Odsier range, Fang, of course, and to the West of it the Great Desert of Skulls. They needed to start planning logistics. Equipment they might need, rations to complement hunting, water, mounts... He concentrated on the map as he had no idea how long such an enterprise would take and how much it would cost them. This was a different proposition that travelling to Fang only...

Tarmen felt another presence among them as Tar revealed the map and it’s destination. He had always said Zin was always close, but that had been more of a saying. He truly felt the gods at work here.
A wide grin took over him at Alexis’s question.
“Havin’ to put up with your charitable spirit for gods knows how long? Was figurin’ that would be the plan anyway.”
He looked to Tar.
“I can help with supplies, as I said. See just how badly the Duke wants this thing and what he will give for it.”

“Can’t say I envy you.”
Alexis quipped back at her friend with a smirk before turning her attention to the journey ahead.

“That would be a great help. It is gonna be one ifrinn of a trip.“

Frowning, her eyes wandered over the drawn expanses of the Great Desert of Skulls.

“Don’t know much about desert travel.”

Her mention of lacking knowledge made Tarmen chuckle.
“Least I’m not the only one. Spent my life avoidin’ it and now it’s the only way forward.”
He gestured to Tar with a more serious tone.
“If you say the same, then we are goin’ to have some issues with this journey.”

Looking at the map he drew and being unfamiliar with a large portion of the lands depicted he said. "I suggest we return to Fang. Travel across the Caravanserais and once we get to the last, Amrat I think, we could brave find passage to the desert." He suggested

Alexis looked over the path Tar was pointing out, for some strange reason not feeling in agreement with the suggestion.

Her eyes wandered over the map, fixating a certain point south of the desert.

She shook her head without being really aware of it and suddenly found herself pointing to that spot that had somehow captured her attention.

jumped from her lips, completely passing by prior consultation with her conscious mind.

A split second later she froze, looking at her own pointing hand in confused shock.

Alexis had never even heard that name before, let alone known to appoint a location to it.

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