More than meets the eye...


The boy doesn't immediately answer Alexis question. He walks over to the well and brings up a couple of buckets of fresh, clean water, filling a nearby trough for your mounts.

"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom..." The young boy finally replies.

"Sometimes a journey is not about who the travelers are. It is not about a destination. It is about the bringing together of worlds. It is about lighting a path." He told her enigmatically however his words sounded addressed directly at her and the artifact hidden under her cloak.

"We often don't get the quest we want, we get the one we can accomplish." He completed looking from Alexis to Tarmen.

"Now rest, set your tents, tend to your beasts. We will talk more during supper..."

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