The Most Important Thing In This Place...

JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak

It was hard to communicate exactly what it was that Voah wanted to ask of the holy men. She wanted to know more about who they were, if they surely were the priest-sorcerers. She wanted to know more about this place of bones, more about their magikal power, what it was used for. What did it cost? She wanted to know more about this immortal prophetess. But those kinds of questions couldn't be asked and answered easily. It would take far too much time that they didn't have to properly learn their language. It didn't seem like there was time now, not while they were malnourished, exhausted from travel, in the middle of a great unforgiving landscape with at least eight days more travel ahead of them.

The most important thing in this place was water.

"Water? Where?" she asked, pretending to take a scoop of water from the ground and drink it then pointing a wandering finger toward Gra'akast. She wanted to know if there was another watering hole on the way.

"And food?" she put a hand to her mouth and chewed on air then offered up her palms and shook her head as if to show that she had none and didn't know where to find it.

Gonyaul was content to be in a state of rest and reflection. He continued to delight in his observation of these strangers and their behaviors. The only unfortunate realization was, due to the language barrier, he probably wouldn’t get the chance to ask the multitude of questions he had. Instead, he just looked around with curiosity twinkling in his eyes and a pleasant smile. It was obvious he was thinking about something and it amused him.

He did fail to connect the dots that they may be magik users; however, he did recognize that they had a nobility of purpose to their group.

Voah asked the most important questions. Gonyaul tried his attempt at gesturing and asking if perhaps they could show them how to use the night sky to get to their final destination. Perhaps they knew of better techniques.

The man looked at Voah and although he thought he understood her he was not sure how he could communicate his answers to her. He looked chatted with the other men for a few heartbeats and started to draw something on the sand.

He picked his cup and placed in down, putting at the ground to indicate that represented where they were. After he pointed into the distance, towards the north and lifted three fingers. He followed that by drawing large snaking trail that lead to a second cup and said "Gra'akast..." He looked at Voah wondering if she understood his meaning...

From what she understood, it seemed like there was a watering hole three days to the north and from there, it was an uncertain or a meandering way to Gra'akast... Possibly a river, that might make more sense.

There was still the trouble with finding food. It's not as if she hadn't fasted before, but the desert took a lot out of you and they would need to keep up their nutrition. Their rations were nearly depleted or lost and anyway, rations were not the best for nutrition over weeks and months. They might be on their own in that regard. Eating bugs and lizards would be better than eating nothing.

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