
Odsier Plains

As the day waned, many more joined the fallen on both sides. But with their moat powerful Bonecasters the numbers of the assembled tribes could not cope with the ferocious alliance between the men from the stone city and the men of Fang.

Among the living, some collapsed where they stood, their sword arms as heavy stone mills.

Some that had never experienced battle before went mad with grief, overwhelmed by the smells of blood, loose bowels and burnt flesh.

The faithful once more took their song up, and the song had awakened their most violent fervour. And as the sun settled in the western skies the Odsier knew the battle was nearly lost. All those tribes that had not made the journey north yet, were now trapped behind enemy lines, condemn to be hunter down to be killed or enslaved. More and more warriors turned away from the ferocity of the foreign soldiers. For they saw only murder, fire and blood in their eyes.

Their ranks had been thinned considerably, with the Silent Flock and Sir Zane's army taken the brunt of the losses, but those that stood could not be beaten. These were unwavering men in their belief, in their faith. Sons of Vastad one and all. Sons of War.

The Flock especially had fought like men and women possessed. The Inquisition was known for the devotion to the Pillars and their commitment against magik, but to those that watched that day it was almost as if they had been washing sin from their midst. Proving to their gods and each other they were not traitors like their fallen sister.

Eventually with the light of the sun fading fast, exhausted, defeated and conquered, the surviving Odsier withdrew from the field of battle, making their way North into their Summer pastures. They had killed hundreds, but the cost had been high.

Thousands of tribesmen died. Never in their long oral traditions had so many of their kind, died in one place. The Odsier had been broken. They would be unable to muster a force this size for a long time. If ever again.

With this massive defeat the door to the Odsier range stood ajar. It was only a matter of time before the foreign devils went North.

But that was the story for another day. For now Eastern Arcadia had fallen...

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