Sons of Vastad

Odsier Plains

The Silent Flock raced forward silently. Some rode but most were on No words, no grunts, escaped their lips. No utterances of war and violence. Their vow to not speak another word until magik had been eradicated was kept with maniacal devotion and discipline.

Armours covered in strange runes and esoteric symbols, glyphs of blood drawn on swords, the likes of which had not been seen in generations, the Sons of Vastad, raced to engage the line of Bonecasters that were wrecking havoc on Sir Zane's soldiers.

Some of the twelve turned their attention to the approaching men. Impossible lines of geometrical lights exploded across the racing men, scything bodies left and right, burning large swats of ground, killing dozens, but most kept their attention focused on the larger army.

Then a lone rider, a young woman in black leather, swept up to one of the Bonecasters and took his head. When the nearest turned his head to regard her only the woman's horse erupted into fire. The woman tumbled to the ground and kept running, the strange runes carved on her chestplate glowing.

Only then did the Bonecasters realize their mistake born of overconfidence and lack of knowledge about the power their enemy yielded to combat their gifts. For several heartbeats they hesitated…

And a tide of burnt and bloody silent warriors broke from the rolling smoke, carrying the banners of the Pillars and the Inquisition. In that final rush, dozens more fell burning.

But some didn’t, and the Bonecasters could not understand why some fell under their powers while others didn't. Panic settled in as the survivors shielded by their runes and faith ripped through the last big hope of the tribes.

Most were cut down where they stood by oiled blades and salt crusted arrows.

For an impossible moment, all was silent. The Silent Flock those few dozen who survived, fought on as the thundering hooves of the Purple Legion drew nearer to break like a might wave against the tribes horsemen.

Some Odsier withdrew, in confusion and fear. The most powerful among them, tore.down, while on top of a great mound of scorched earth and smoking dead, the Helians and the Odonine moved to reassembled the centre of their lines...

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