The Hammer

Tarmen’s eyes narrowed at the cryptic observation. He had said Alexis was carrying a burden before and now he looked to his partner.
“What’s he talkin’ about?”
Thinking over his own worries about her and how much he should reveal to their host, he continued in a softer tone.
“I know you haven’t been right since the beach and I’ve felt like the odd peg in the group since the start. What’s so important about this quest of ours?”

“I don’t think I really grasp that myself.”

She answered truthfully. Not knowing if it was the right thing to do, if she was dragging Tarmen even more into this than she already did, she pulled out the linen covered package she had been entrusted with and placed it between them.

“Tar found this in Maru. We are looking for the missing half. It’s an artefact belonging to a now almost forgotten fire deity, Fosia. Tar believed that bringing the completed artefact back to the Fang, to ‘the right hands’ as he put it, could give rise to his worship again.”

The boy shaman smiled looked at the still wrapped artifact. "The Inchor of Solitude..." He said and his voice seemed to echo through the nigh chill.
"It was lost for centuries." He said looking at Alexis. "Soon you will start to fell its pull."

Alexis’s gaze rested a moment longer on the package.

“Lucky me.”
She stated laconically, looking up to meet the shaman’s eyes.

She left the hammer head were it was for now, giving Tarmen the chance to take it all in and inspect it if he so chose.

“If we can’t help the parents, is there anything else that can be done? Would you have a suggestion?”

Tarmen couldn’t find words at first. Once again their paths ran along the strings of gods, something he thought he had rid himself of.
He wanted her to get rid of it, to shake off the same shackles he had dealt with and leave the hammer with the shaman. He could easily tell the Duke where it lie, buried and lost in these blasted sands, and deal with the consequences if it meant Alexis could be done with it.
He wanted to laugh, to howl like a madman at how they seemed to be running on a wheel.
Well, they would run it together. No chance he would abandon Alexis this time and she clearly felt the same frustration towards her burden.
Instead he left it where it was and kept himself grounded in the conversation. Lunacy could wait.
“The sands have dealt some decent damage, would some labor earn a kinder look?”

"It could." The boy answered. "Not many will take the help though. You are going to be judge almost everywhere you go by the actions of your people." He added. "As we speak one of the largest battles ever seen in Arcadia is taking place in the Plains." He said looking at the fire. "But some will take the help. There's a farmer not far from here that will welcome the help and will likely sell you provisions for your coming trip"

Alexis, too, looked into the fire contemplatively as Berus spoke of a large battle taking place.

Just one decision made differently, and she would, most likely, be there right at this moment, doing exactly what she was being judged for by proxy.

Maybe that would have been easier. Clearer. Yet still, despite everything… she did not regret that decision.

Focusing back on the matter at hand, she concluded that the farmer in question was probably the same that Zargari had mentioned.

“Then we should speak with him tomorrow, if possible. What of the parents? Have they been told her daughter is following the Call? Will they still want us to search for her?”

The boy nodded. "They know but refuse to believe it. They do not follow the Twins. Nor did their daughter." He explained. "Maybe you can do some enquiries just to satisfy their need. I will take you to the farmer tomorrow as well. He stood up and the dog that was laying against his leg got up too. "Help your self to more food if you wish." He said and walked back into his hut for the evening. The dogs trailing close behind leaving Alexis and Tarmen alone.

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