Bonding in Desdem pt.3

With her finally smiling, Tarmen felt content. Caught in another whirlwind adventure with the world burning around them, he wanted to preserve that smile.
He also felt the fatigue he had been fighting catch up as he relaxed, leading to a muffled yawn.
“Just have to hope the shaman boy doesn’t feel the same, doubt I could handle him for more than a night. What do you make of him?”

Alexis blew a wayward strand of hair out of her face and looked towards the boy’s hut.

“Almost feels like with Omen. It’s… straining to deal with someone who just seems to know it all but only shares their knowledge at their leisure.”

She pulled up a knee and rested her arm above it.

“Don’t think he means us harm though.”

Tarmen leaned back on his arms. He had almost forgotten about the old hag they had met what seemed like years ago. He agreed with Alexis entirely on their similarities.
“Not by his cookin’ at least. Probably won’t get any decent sleep here though, if you wanted to go ahead and lie down. Gods know you need it.”

“You do, too.”
Alexis quietly observed.

“But you are right, I suppose.”

She got up and turned to their camp, squeezing his shoulder as she did.

“You better wake me to take over, got that?”
She sternly told him before she went.

He gave a mock salute.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
He chuckled, watching her leave before returning to the fire, already lost in his thoughts.

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