
Pilgrimage of Bones

The tattooed man watched with interest and a grin on his face as Islana paced back and forth considering his proposal.

Food and water for a falcon seemed like a decent offer. Judging by her sunburned and sunstroke state, her blistering and peeling skin, and her obvious hunger he thought she would have accepted immediately.

He looked curiously at the falcon. Maybe there was more to the animal that met the eye. The man sliced a piece of well done meat and threw it at the bird.

He stood up. Drank another large gulp from his wine skin. Once again he ignored her gestures and attempts at questions.

The man once again gestured at the food, at the drink. He moved to stand outside his tent and pulled the flaps apart. He showed Islana the interior from the outside. Pointing at the brass tub, at the luscious pillows, at the silk sheet covered bed.

He smiled once again. Pointing at Islana and pointing inside. She did not understand the words but the meaning was clear.

Enter the tent, stay with this man, leave the heat of the desert behind and she would have no wants...

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